Maintenance on Spinning Equipment

Started by jean, January 11, 2010, 08:57:28 CET

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Quote from: LapsiBoy on January 26, 2010, 11:57:52 CET
Clutch nasigurak li  il hut li hemm il libja qas tohlom bih aw malta !

Sfortunatament habib, il-libia immur spiss heheh, u naf ezatt x'hut hemm, imma il-pajjiz ma jogobniex.  Insomma morna daqxejn off-topic issa.
Official Molix, Major Craft, DUO and SeaSpin agent for Malta.


Aw guys, halli mam-morrux off-topic -

l'ewwel tuni daqqa t'id naqbad huta hawn spinning. Wara nara tal-libya, u jekk naqab hemm sewwa (dejjem jekk immur) naghmel tour  ;D


Hey guys, so we dont go off topic

First give me a hand to catch a fish whilst spinning here in malta. The i will try Libya and if I catch some nice fish there (always if i manage to go) I organise a tour  ;D


Quote from: SPITEC on January 26, 2010, 11:19:12 CET
Did you use the once I am thinking of on fads aswell Martin?
Yes Spitec the ones i bought from you! :) Ill soon be coming for some more mate!! Btw do they come in a bigger size?


can we have some translations PLEASE just when it gets interesting the language changes. ::) ::) ::)


Quote from: jean on January 25, 2010, 21:26:45 CET
Infact was thinking of trying them out too with a weighted hook for spinning - yet not sure how much weight they can take and swim properly. I presume very light tackle will be neccessary and very calm conditions (no wind). Yet i think in ports they might do the trick.

Also i think a thinner leader is required - tipo .30mm florocoated or floro line. And no swivel or clip (tipo the ones rapala have on the steel leaders). Therefore they might be a pain as one will have to keep re-doing the leader every two lure swaps.
Sorry jean i missed this post! You can fish them with a carolina rig set-up.In fact ive tried this method (and others) and found it works well for small silicone's :)
Here's a link for the basic set-up
Or just google 'Carolina Rig'  ;D
I used a 30g bullet sinker and a plastic bead rather than a glass bead.However the idea of the glass bead is it makes noise when it hits against the bullet sinker,which i would use esp. if you intend to fish with it at night,as you mentioned you prefer,as it may help.

But the major reason of the bead is to cushion the knot from the weight banging up against it and weakening the knot!.Also as i was fishing with them mostly during the day i didn't bother with a glass bead..Anyhow with 5-8cm curly tails this set-up didn't interfere with the lures swimming action at all,however you can modify the weight of the bullet sinker according to the depth of the spot your fishing in (less weight for more shallower spots)
Tight Lines mate


Thanks for the tip Martin :)

Whilst doing some research i had a look into the Carolina rig. As a starter i decided to get some weighted hooks ( which have fake eyes on them. To these i have attached a curly tail and also a small mullett type fish. As yet I got a 14g and 24g hooks and am going to give them a try tonight i guess. Yet as soon as i get the hang of using them will try with the different rigs.

Also got a WTD lure which i am quite keen on trying. Will keep you posted ;)


With respect to the WTD lure - no luck. Yet i think the sea was to rough to use it effectively. On the other hand the silicone lure (mullet fish type) on 14g weighted hook worked perfectly and landed my first cuda :)

I still have to get the hang of using such types of lures and would like to try without the weighted hook but need a finer rod i think. Will keep you posted guys. Thanks for all the tips and encouragement. I had forgot what a buzz this is :)


Congrats my friend!! First fish on spinning is always exciting.  Keep it up :)
Official Molix, Major Craft, DUO and SeaSpin agent for Malta.


Quote from: clutch_kick on January 28, 2010, 12:51:06 CET
Congrats my friend!! First fish on spinning is always exciting.  Keep it up :)
This x2 :) well done mate!