Understanding Drag Settings

Started by skip, April 29, 2006, 17:03:53 CET

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Hi All,

Perhaps my least knowledgeable area has to be that surrounding drag ratings on reels. Very often you will come across people saying, go for this rating for this fish on this type of reel.

My limited understanding has me believe that one should use a scale to measure the drag pressure being applied in the different positions of the lever and also know the pressure being exerted when moving the drag completely forward against the strike bump stop.

Mike perhaps you can claify all of this for us?



I came across Everol reels that have the drag markings on them. Have heard some good things about them but not many seem to be using them.

No surprise they aren't available here, although they are made in Italy!!



Well in brief it would be great to have the ratings on the reel however as good old SKIP said using the drag scale and measuring sounds the easiest and most relaible method.

Lets put MALTA on the map with our fishing knowledge.


Question is, what it the ideal drag setting to use. I guess it very much depends on the equipment being used perhaps, the rod, line, hooks etc and probably the fish being targetted.

Some have softer mouth etc, maybe one of the experts can guide us.



Well just to commence, tuna has a relatively tough mouth however to secure a good catch make sure you use circler hooks size 9/0.

You will never return back to J hooks again.

As for sword fish GO EASY on the drag settings as they have a very soft mouth so take it easy and its worth more time fighting this fish as opposed to continous pumping and possibly losing this prized fish. Recommended for this fish is bent J hooks. PLus rememeber catching swords is mainly a nocturnal thing. JUST ONE WARNING handle with care when that sword approaches the boat it can easily injure you if not handles properly and also thrash a boat to bits causing some expensive repairs.

Lets put MALTA on the map with our fishing knowledge.


Generally I fish a lot, and the issue of drags, and how to set them is always coming up on one forum or another. I for one use a certifiable spring scale. I do this procedure a couple of times a year, and before every tournament on every rod. I first check the line, and any sign of wear, or deterioration and I'll cut it back a few yards. Then I tie a loop in the end of the line, or use the ballbearing/swivel to put the scale's hook through. Then I put the rod in the rod holder on the gunnel of my boat, and put the drag at strike (this is for lever drag reels) I pull gently until the line slips off of the reel, then I read the scale. I want the reading to be consistent at 25% - 30% of the advertised breaking point of the line. Thirty-pound test, I'll use between 9 and 12 pounds for trolling. Live bait fishing you might go a tad more. To adjust those lever drags, if the reading on the scale is high or low, I put the lever into free spool and make the adjustment in small steps, and then push the lever drag back up to strike and again use the scale to pull on the line until the line slips from the reel, then again read the scale. Once at the numbers you want, I'll pull on the line two or three times just make sure it's consistent. Sounds like a lot of work, but you have to do it. My saddest memories are those gun shot like snaps of the line breaking...painfull, very painful.

I hope this helps some of you. If you do it a different way, put it up here so I can learn something.

Best regards, and good fishing
Capt. Mike Fisher

Simon G

After use the drag should always be left sully open so that the drag does not wear out or retain memory
maxxon 420 with 30hp tohatsu
profesional aquarist and under water photographer
semi profesional spearfisherman


What exactly do you mean by retaining memory ?

Simon G

you loose the sensitivity of the drag eg, instead of  from free to fully loaded being one full rotation on a star drag it will become a quater from free to full .
making the drag extremly hard to use.
maxxon 420 with 30hp tohatsu
profesional aquarist and under water photographer
semi profesional spearfisherman