Fish species I caught in Australia

Started by twoutes, June 18, 2007, 14:25:16 CET

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It's funny that the choices our parents make when migratting controls our destiny. Remember it's who you are now that matters. I ofen think that l would be better off if my parents migrated to Queensland inststead of Victoria....But maybe then l would not love fisihng as l do now! Our fisheries officers do a great job hear, and are often put in situations that are life threatening. But the law is taken very seriusly here with no tolerance or bribery. For example harvesting abolone here is a multi million doller industry, and some people do take extreme measures to break the law, to the extent that firearms are carried. Also the fishermen here sometimes report illegal actions by others as this in long term protects our fishery. Lets face it, there is no need to keep undersize fish here, but sometimes people get desperate to take something home.
We're here for a good time...Not a long time


A great fresh water fish to catch here is the Barrumandi. These fish can reach lengths of 1.2 mertre, and give an almighty fight with some spectacular head shakes. I was recently lucky enough to be invited up north to Cape York where l did a spot of fresh water fishing in flooded creaks. My best fish was 87cm long, with plenty of smaller ones to fill in the day.
We're here for a good time...Not a long time


One night on the boat we noticed a lot of sharks at the back of the boat. Proberly attracted by the lights and food scrapps. So we put out a heavy hand line and wrangled one onto the boat by hand. Boy don't they pull a bit!!!

We're here for a good time...Not a long time


wow that really is amazing your fishing pics always seem to amaze me.Did it take long to get on board?
A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office

A woman who has never seen her husband fishing,doesn't know what a patient man she married


No, only a few minutes. Because we were using a short heavy leader, and hand gloves, we basicly just hung on for dear life. All the sharks we caught were put back off coarse, but man did we have a few laughs.
We're here for a good time...Not a long time


Its not long now before l come to Malta!!!! I'm really looking forward to meeting some of you guys, and even thoough we live half a world away, we still have common interests. Leading up to my trip l would like to share with you some of my best marlin capture pictures...Check out this marlin leaping out of the sea while trying to 'shake off' a bait.

We're here for a good time...Not a long time


Hey Twoutes..

It will be great to have you - and I hope you catch some great fish while you are down...although I doubt you will be catching those size of fish...


Thanks DCassar. Maybe we can catch up with each other for a drink while l'm there? If you like email me your mobile number and l'll give you a ring while l'm there. I will be staying in Sliema. In the meanyime check out these shots.

We're here for a good time...Not a long time


3 Day to go before l leave Austalia. Looking forward to some hot weather and a lot of time in and on the water. I hear it has been really hot there??? This picture is of the largest Striped Marlin l have caught in my weighed in at 133.8Kg

We're here for a good time...Not a long time


Just a quick note to thank Skip for taking me out fishing on Tuesday. We managed to catch a small lumpuka, a 15kg and 7kg Bluefin Tuna. What a Buzz!!!! Thanks Skip!!!! ;D ;D ;D
We're here for a good time...Not a long time





Man will never be able to stop time but he can get very close by freediving.


I would like to add another picture to this link of the first 'Big Eye Tuna', that l have ever caught. Though l would have liked to catch it on a rod instead of a 600lb marlin leader by hand. Man  do these fish pull hard. We swam with a whale shark and saw these down deeper....It did'nt take much to entice them to the surface and have so fun with them.

We're here for a good time...Not a long time