Big game offshore info

Started by fin, April 26, 2006, 13:38:26 CET

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For all those who want to know more about big game fishing here is a little more info about this fantastic heart pumping sport at sea.

Big-game fishing, sometimes called offshore sport fishing or offshore game fishing, is a form of recreational fishing, targeting large bony fish such as tuna and marlin in the open sea, often some distance from land and, in some fishing grounds, out of sight of land. It is conducted recreationally, as well as in competitions.

Offshore game fishing requires a boat of considerable capacity, seaworthiness, speed, stability and range to transport a crew out to sea some distance, carry the large amount of equipment required, remain stable when fighting fish which, in extreme circumstances, can weigh over 200 kilograms in the Mediterranean, and safely carry the crew back in possibly unfavorable weather and sea conditions. These requirements are met by only the largest of trailerable boats; many game fishing crews use larger vessels 30 to 50 feet in length. Fish are enticed by trolling fishing lures or baited hooks behind the boat. Multiple lines are used. To spread the lines widely, outriggers - long poles with fittings designed to hold the line out, then allow it to run free when a fish bites, are attached to the sides of the boat, and spread once fishing commences.

Once a fish is properly hooked on a line, a somewhat tricky task as often initial nibbles only partly hook the fish, one of the fishermen attempts to reel it in. The captain assists by maneuvering the boat so that the fish remains astern, while other members of the crew race to reel in the other lines so as to avoid tangling with the angler catching the fish. Most of the time, the fishing line used for sport fishing has a breaking strain less than the maximum force the fish can apply to the line. The fishing reels therefore have sophisticated drag mechanisms which allow the line to escape if the fish pulls on it, but keep the specified tension on the line. When hooked, most fish will circulate in different directions, and when they are not pulling away from the boat the fisherman can take the opportunity to reel in some of the line. Eventually, if the fish tires and has not broken the line, they will be reeled in; however, the challenge does not end there. Hauling a heavy, powerful, and still very much alive fish on board the boat represents a considerable challenge. Two main methods are used to fight the fish.

With a game chair, the angler sits in a specially-designed chair at the stern of the boat, and places the butt of the rod into a gimbaled mount. Rods used in this manner are quite long and have a bent rod butt to be on a convenient angle to fighting the fish once placed in the mount.

With large fish, this can still represent a considerable challenge, but "stand-up" game fishing, without the assistance of a chair and with the seat mount replaced by a harness, requires a good deal of strength and endurance, as well as body mass.

I hope this has helped you to get a general idea what this is all about and hopefully in the seasons to come we can create more awareness about this on our lovely island surrounded by productive waters.

Lets put MALTA on the map with our fishing knowledge.


Very Informative, good stuff  ;D


hi, guys,
first congratulations for the nice forum. It's very well done and informative.
I come from Germany and wanted to make a small fishing trip to malta in 4 weeks. Could you recommend me a skipper with a boot?I#d be very greatful.

s. gr. Dimi

p.s. I'm very interested in amberjack- and swordfish-angling 


Welcome to the forum. Check out for a list of charters.

I hear Fishing Mania is well rigged, but I have sent him various emails and he has never bothered to answer me!! Hopefully he is better with customers.


Thank you sincerly, skip!
I'll try to contact them. The only problem is that I don't have a group of 4 men so it could be hard to find somebody for a fair price.
see you again in the forum,
s. dimi


if you dont get hold of 4 to come with you just let us know may be we share the cost and come out with you
A bad day of fishing is still better than a good day at the office

A woman who has never seen her husband fishing,doesn't know what a patient man she married


thank you very much, kempy,
I 'll contact you when I'm ready with the whole stuff in malta.
I#ll be in Ireland in 10 days and I#ll try to catch a conger or a tope in the bay of galway. wish me good luck:))
gr. dimi


hi dimi i,ve e-mailed fishing mania and they have e-mailed back.The cost is 165 Liri for a full day [8 hrs] and 150 Liri for 5 hrs.Boat will fish 6 but they recommend 4 for comfort.All equipment supplied.A bit expensive for me.  redbus9.
If you can't eat it don't kill it.


hi, redbus9,
thank you for the fast information. this is about 100 euro pro person or did I get wrong? This a bit big also a bit for me. maybe I should try to find another skipper... I'll write you a message again. txn a lot
gr. dimi


Unfortunately the cost of fuel has gone up alot here making these trips expensive. Plus factor in the skipper's time and equipment and you start to see why its so expensive.

Plus you are looking at some very specific fishing. Amberjack, would need to be done at very slow speeds and with a downrigger and bait, ideally live.

Swordfishing trolling during the day is not really practised here as the majority are caught on long lines. Fin has all the gear for night drifing with a sword light and electrolumes but this year we havent' had the opportunity to try and last year only tried it once.

Redbus, did fishing mania indicate what type of fishing he could offer at this time of year besides small lampuki and small tuna?



Hi skip,fish mania said August is best for trolling with light tackle for dolphih fish,amberjack,small tuna and rock grouper.Fishing 10 to 35 nautical miles offshore on his floats.He also said extreme bottom fishing is good all year.  redbus9
If you can't eat it don't kill it.


hi, skip,
of course you are right. I don't know how are the prices in malta. My objection was more subjective than objective:))
gr. dimi


hi, redbus9,
I was hoping that I could get outside for fishing twice but once is also ok. I'll let you know...trolling for amberjack sounds great and I think we could arrange something,
gr. dimi


hi dimi, i,m meeting twoutes in malta after the 22aug.he wants to go fishing as well.we will be at the BBQ on the 24aug.Perhaps we can arrange with someone there to go fishing at a cheaper price?Check it out in the forum.Don,t know what time it starts though.
If you can't eat it don't kill it.


thanks a lot, redbus,
I'll be in touch after the trip to Ireland.
gr. dimi