Tuna washed ashore in Qawra

Started by camkev, April 26, 2010, 16:08:28 CET

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A tuna fish was washed ashore at Qawra Point earlier today.

Policemen and a patrol boat were on the scene as well as men thought to be working for the nearby fish farm. It was not clear if other tuna were in the area but bathers said they had seen at least one fish swimming about. They initially reported the presence of a large fish, thought to be a dolphin.

A government vet was also called.

Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


Reading the comments, it seems that this is not unusual although I must admit I never saw any when I stayed in Qawra a few years ago. What sort of weight would that one be and if it was washed ashore could it have died from a disease

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