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vertical jigging

Started by effects, May 10, 2010, 18:11:33 CET

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hahaha tajba din imma kulimkien aw il hut bhalissa siehbi :p
marinello eden evolution 18'  yamaha 85 hp garmin 520s


biex qed jaqtalek il hut qed tamel xi haga hazina, bilfors!!

mela lewwel haga qed iddum wisq biex ittella l hut.  biex natik idea accola ezempju ta madwar 15kg mhux suppost iddum aktar min bejn wiehed u iehro 5 minuti jekk ikollok kollox kif suppost.

jekk il hut thallih fil bahar fit tul u toqod tilab biex ittellaw probblemi jkollok ax jew izarratlek ix xlief jew jinqala ax tikber it toqba li tamel is sunnara.

assist hook qed tuza? ax kieku mhux suppost issib ix xlief fhalqa huta.

u dnieci mumhix ax dawk snienhom ma tantx jaqtaw u ma jigbdux hafna, fil bidu jigbdu kocc imma umbad kif taqtahhom ftit il fuq tohrogilhom il buzzieqa u jibqaw tilajn.  f'200pied = 60m hemm cans li issib xwabel fdaz zmien tas sena ax jidhlu fil baxx biex ibidu. 

Pero jien nahseb li huma lizzijiet, jekk iddum ma ittellahhom jaqtawlek dawk ax jibdew jilwu halqhom law u lhemm u habba li twil halqhom xi darba jhokklok ix xlief ma snienhom u caw caw bye bye
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


Quotetini l coordinates sihbi u mmur niccekjalek jien

jien nigi f'kaz li ikunu ha jigbduk il bahar bigboy.........  ;D ;D ;D
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


Quote from: effects on May 11, 2010, 19:20:42 CET
imma tigbed daqsekk b sahita ax il gbid kien veru bsahtu anki mi reel bdew johduli bit tension issikat kollu
QATT tissikka tension iz-zejjed,ahseb u ara tissikkah kollu! ghax bilfors jaqtalek wara ftit hin,ghax jigi is-stirat iz-zejjed ix xlief u fl-ahhar icceddi :)
Habib tieghi qadu kif qabad acciola ta 23kg hmistax ilu fuq xlief .40mm (0.40mm suppost jiflah 13kg biss).....u irnexxilu biss ghax uza it-tension bil galbu ;)


imma l qata' mux tal gbid qisa ta mqass siehbi
marinello eden evolution 18'  yamaha 85 hp garmin 520s


Quote from: effects on May 14, 2010, 19:03:25 CET
imma l qata' mux tal gbid qisa ta mqass siehbi
Le imma peres li ghid qieghed imurlek ezatt minn mal lixka/metalla,umbaghad peres li ghidt ukoll li kellek it-tension (drag) issikkat kollu,just rid nghidlek li qatt ma ghandek tissikah iz-zejjed ghax meta taghmel hekk taqta zgur u meta taqta il bicca kbira mill mas-sunnara/lixka etc u hekk taqta qissu mqass,mat tkunx imbenfel u hekk ix-xlief.


ezatt u naqbad u ngib u nkebbeb mill ewwel?
marinello eden evolution 18'  yamaha 85 hp garmin 520s


Id-Drag tissikahx kollu.  Is-setting tad-drag kollu jiddependi mill-qasba tieghek.  Qasba ta kwalita` tajba ikolla il-Max Drag setting, ejja niehdu ezempju ...

Jekk inti ghandek qasba ta 10Kg Max drag, jaf ikolla il-'Best Setting' taghha ta xi 5-7kgs drag.  Dan importanti, ghax jekk ikollok xlief tajjeb, Rukkel bill-bajd, u ghoqidi tajbin, taqsam il-qasba.

Mela, zomm f'mohhok ukoll li iktar ma jitbattal ir-rukkell, iktar izzied id-drag force teighu.  Dan minhabba li x-xlief ikun qed joqrob lejn in-nofs tax-shaft u in-naqqas l-'arm'.

Ghall min kien ihobb il-physics l-iskola, irridu nimmaginaw il-qasba bhala 'Movable Pulley'. Il-mechanical advantage taghha fit-tejorija huwa 2, imma fill-verita dan ivarja il-hin kollu, u mhux se noqod nidhol f'kumplikazzjonijiet.

Kull ma trid iz-zomm go mohhok huwa li jekk tissetja id-drag ghal 4Kgs, meta jkollok xi 60 - 80 metru xlief barra, u il-qasba tghamel angle ta xi 90 degrees ma xliefx, id-drag jispara ruhu ghall xi 8kgs.  meta il-huta tkun waslet sa taht id-daghjsa, id-drag jaf ikun nizel sa xi 5kg, li huwa perfett. Ghax jekk il-huta ittijha li terga tahrab, tkun tista tiehu xlief bill-mod, u il-qasba tahdem bhala 'shock absorber'.
Official Molix, Major Craft, DUO and SeaSpin agent for Malta.


Nice explanation clutch kick!
I'd rather be fishing.....

Spirit of Jason

Sorry cant understand what you guys are talking about, but if you want to see some vertical jigging have a look here.

Captain Gus


Gus, i'll translate what I said into english, which is far easier to explain anyway. 

Basically the subject treats the setting of Drag on reels.  Let's take this example ....

Your rod might have a Max drag setting of 10Kgs, and it's best drag setting might be in the region of 5-7Kgs.  These figures are very important because when Jigging it is customary to use very strong Lines, knots and reels, which can over power your rod and break it.

Another point you must keep in mind is that a reel increases it's drag force as the spool empties.  This is because the diameter of the line spool decreases, efectively decreasing the leverage force on the spool.

If you remember some physics from the O'levels, you should think of your rod&reel set-up as a Movable Pulley system. In theory this system has a mechanical advantage of 2, in simple words, to pull 2 Kgs you need to exert a force of 1 Kg.  In reality on a rod the mechanical advantage never reaches 2, and it is always varying depending on the angle between the line and the rod.

All you need to keep in mind is that on a rod like this example, you might want to set your drag to 4Kg, when you have about 80m of line out, and an average angle of 90 degrees between line and reel the drag might go up to as high as 8kg.  When the fish is just under the boat, the drag will be back to 4 or 5 kgs depending on how much line is out. This will be perfect to absorb any last minute runs the fish might do, permitting the reel to smoothly let the line out, and the rod having that extra 5 kgs of 'back-bone-power' left in it, acting as a shock absorber.

I cannot stress, just how important it is to use tackle that is 'balanced'. it is no use having an ultra-expensive jigging rod, and a reel that cost a month's salary, spooled with braid that costs it's weight in gold, and keeping that drag locked up!!  It will just break your rod.
Official Molix, Major Craft, DUO and SeaSpin agent for Malta.

Spirit of Jason

Thank you very much for the translation clutch_kick.
I found it imformative, I am new to this wonderful sport of ours and any information I can get on the forum, is a bonus and well worth the membership fee's. Thank you again sir.

Captain Gus


Quote from: Spirit of Jason on May 15, 2010, 15:47:30 CET
Thank you again sir.

Captain Gus

:) ... Sir?  I wasn't aware the Queen knighted me LOL
Official Molix, Major Craft, DUO and SeaSpin agent for Malta.


that was a pretty good explanation, people do underestimate how much damage can be done if the set up is wrong
Live for today, tomorrow might never come


@spirit of Jason (Gus) didn u go to 'ta Bormla' at mosta. I am sure he answered all ur questions. BUT if u want, u are welcome to come to our club at Burmarrad we usually meet on a Saturday and we have a chat there.