Now Malta are out of the Eurovision Song Contest

Started by blueskip, May 27, 2010, 16:39:32 CET

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Why not support my grandson who is singing for Cyprus tonight in the 2nd semi final! ::) No he isn't Cypriot, he is Welsh ;) but the composer of the song sent it to him to do the musical arrangement, & when he sent it back, the composer asked him & the group to perform it in the Cypriot Eurovision heats, & they won the nomination.
So seeing as Malta have no further interest in the proceedings why not support another Island in the Med? ::)


No responses? so I suppose you are all sulking that Malta didn't make the final (it wasn't much of a song was it really), well you will all be totally unimpressed to find out that Cyprus was one of the 10 songs voted into the final from last nights semi finals" ::)
So on Saturday I will be interested in 2 entries, UK & Cyprus, I would have also supported Malta, your fishing is good, but your songwriting is c**p! ;D


I'm afraid we people in the forum have other things to do rather than watch a c***y festival on a SATURDAY  night :P


Only because you got your arse kicked out of it :D fancy letting the old bird who failed miserably twice before, represent you again, :-[ still if nobody is interested then probably that's why she gets the nod every year, nobody can be arsed to watch the heats. ::)
I find that fishing ALL DAY Sunday means that it aint a good idea to get totally skimished on Saturday night, but I forgot, in Malta you only fish for a couple of hours in the morning then you go home ::) must be to sleep off Saturday night maybe? :o


whatever blueskip....

Enjoy your eventful night tommorrow ;) It will be such a traumatic night for me not to see our song participating :'(  loool


Not everyone is such a fan of eurofishing song contest ...........
Me included
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Only women are so interested on Eurovision of which there are only few here :)
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


is there a Eurovision song contest?!?!?!? really?!?!?! any mermaids singing as I MIGHT take a peek otherwise if there are no scales, nets, fishing lines, water involved then I wont bother....but just for u blueskip i now cast my vote:
My vote goes to Cyprus..........there i did my duty now back to fishing


Now come on you lot you are not showing the "Eurospirit" that you are supposed to now that you are members of the EEC! :D I must say that Maltese woman had a lovely big pair of wings?????? ??? Maybe if she had been in a flying contest she would have had a chance.
Seeing as you are only interested in getting "lashed" on Saturday nights, then going fishing on Sunday for a couple of hours until it gets too warm for you, I will leave you to it. Maybe I will get a freebie holiday to Cyprus with all the publicity I am getting from them, if I do, I wont have to compete with the Maltese in the 100metre dash from gate to Ryanair aircraft steps ::) ::) ::)



And after all this whining against Malta you expect us to support you!!! :D From the way you speak it seems you wouldn t have voted for us either. good luck anyway!!

Bil -Malti l ewwel qadt tgereger kontrina u tridna nivutawlkom!!! u minn kif tkellimt kieku konna hemm ma kontx tivutalna lanqas. mur ixxejjer!!


Quote from: rammx on May 28, 2010, 12:06:26 CET
whatever blueskip....

Enjoy your eventful night tommorrow ;) It will be such a traumatic night for me not to see our song participating :'(  loool
Looooool this x10000



WOWWW cyprus 21st and uk 25th (LAST) pity you didn't live in MALTA cause we realy need good promoters  loool  ::) :P ;D


Tell your grandson he can stop singing and start fishing