Started by Attila, December 30, 2008, 11:07:58 CET

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U can try between St. Thomas Bay and St.Peters. At least I don't see them throwing nets over ther quite alot.

Diplodus Sargus

Quote from: Attila on January 04, 2009, 17:46:08 CET
I really do agree with you guys about how m'scala has become nowadays for fishing !!! Any ideas about somewere in the sothern part were one fish without these pariti problems ??!!
My friend Attila the problem of pariti in malta is every were even in places were you are not expecting them. Once i saw a guy throwing small nets in the middle of San george bay at birzebbugia (f nofs il mazri biex nifthemu). This because there were some awrat and he saw anglers who were having some fun from land
Sargu imperjali


Quote from: Aab131 on January 04, 2009, 19:51:21 CET
U can try between St. Thomas Bay and St.Peters. At least I don't see them throwing nets over ther quite alot.

Thanks Aab131, I will try St. Thomas bay area soon, but I honestly doubt there will be something decent !!


Not St. Thomas Bay but further up almosts near St. Peter 's.


At St.Thomas Bay PARITI is the norm! everyday!


Haha....This is funny. Everytime someone comes up with a place someone else jumps out and says PARITI!..the cruel truth ..and unfortunately we can do nothing since the country has a fake system..


My friend, fishing in the south is quite a problem nowadays, If you plan to go to M'Scala I suggest that you go near the playing fields of Zonqor, just under there on the cementa. At least you avoid the pariti. I also suggest Isla, and Ras Hanzir.


Quote from: matrix on January 06, 2009, 12:30:18 CET
My friend, fishing in the south is quite a problem nowadays, If you plan to go to M'Scala I suggest that you go near the playing fields of Zonqor, just under there on the cementa. At least you avoid the pariti. I also suggest Isla, and Ras Hanzir.

Thanks Matrix, for your suggestions, I will definately try Isla one of these days

Michela Ariana

aw habieb jiena mort il port tal belt u hrigt il barra mil port vera tajjeb qbadna hafna min emm tajjeb hafna


Ermmmmmmmm have you heard that isla is being bombarded with nylon nets ???? (Xibka tal harira)

I have witnessed this last friday as i guy with a luzzu was hauling in the net at sunrise


Michela ariiana iva hemm barra tajjeb hafna ghal tal qih specjalment as sirran u xi pagella

Michela Ariana

ezzat dawk uma man naheb li qbadna fuq is 7 kg min emm pagella qbana 7 -8
ta vera kien and by the why thanks for yesterday irexilli naqbad mal valletta port thx


Hemmekk nafu blamment sihbi ghal tal qiegh ;) U dan iz zminijiet taqbad naqra serran imdaqqas.


Jien nohrog min Mscala. Din is sena qisu xi haga ta'ghageb ghax kwazi ma qbadt xejn, anqas tal -qieh ma jmiss.  Anki l'ammont ta' dghajjes li johorgu fil ghodu u il konsijiet bil-lejl naqasu, (ifisser xi haga dan zgur),. Hawn xi hadd min dawn in nahhiet li qed jara l-istess dis - sena?

Nigbed lejn il port ahjar tahsbu?