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Toyota 2CT

Started by shanook, January 29, 2011, 18:02:59 CET

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iva ghandek ragun ghax kont naqra maggel. Waslat fil hin l'imqabba.
Kollox kif ghandi jien armat. issa naraw
Rob mhux ahjar ma nirrispondikx fejn u kif tidhol inti :)PPPPP

Yes u are right seafox as I was a bit in a hurry. I arrived in Mqabba on time
its exactly like mine (setup of engine cooling system)
Rob isnt it better if I dont answer where and how u fit in (closest I could come in English ) LOL


It was a pleasure to see you at my place Shanook, despite the short visit. Next time I should lay out a menu as per your request so that u can stay longer. Glad you made it on time to Mqabba. See u tonite inshalla.


yes i hope to pop over tonight its at Sirens Yes

Rob: Did Colin invite you to visit the upstairs room?  Wow I was impressed when I went up to heavens lair at Colin......its like walking into paradise. Mind blowing WOW

Well done Colin I really enjoyed it and If you layout a table I will not eat as I rather we go up to ur Hideaway and feast on the Lures, tackle etc..


Thanks Tony, imma don't exaggerate hafna,... remember I have been collecting tackle for at least 40 years. Most MFF members are quite young and if they continue with this passion of ours they will probably end up the same way, so long as they space.
Those rooms are my "heavens lair" as you very correctly state...when the wife throws me out that is where I find my solace!! Actually I got rid of a load of pariti, konziejiet, nassi, gangmu etc... cos I do not use them any more. Mhux habba il ligi ta, far from it....imma iz zmien rikibni. See u tonite, usual food on order... and of course it would be a great pleasure to see you again at my place, I promise you that if you stay a couple of hours we can have something to eat too.