2011 - Spinning from shore

Started by J_Z, January 20, 2011, 09:02:50 CET

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by any chance does anyone know a reliable site that indicates the tide level ?

thanks :P


Rammx...follow the moon.
There's even this website Euroweather, weather forecast and everything else related including tide.
You have to send for a password to see the tide levels.


Isma...imbilli ixarab ftit saqajk ...mhux ser taqa d-dinja......jew biex izzomm il-lager frisk! :)


10x skars naprezza issa nitawlila :)

il lager dejjem frisk jkun man ...nista ma nihux frizella ax jilhaq jispicca sakemm jibda jishon :D (qabatni l leblieba dalodu semmejtili  :-X  :D )


Hey guys,

as I am quite new on malta I just started fishing lately. So far I tried it 3 times, twice in the afternoon till evening and once in the early morning till noon.

As I don´t have any idea of where to fish I asked the guy in Mr. Fish for advise, who was really willing to help me. I chose a spot at tigne point (sliema) but unfortunately had no success so far. Sometimes fish was following my bait, once it was a baracuda about 40 - 50 cm length, another two times fish in about the same length but more massy which I don´t know the name of and of course more often small fish. Unfortunately no hit so far though I´m already using fluo carbon leader. As baits I chose RAPALA XR10 and ILLEX Squad Minnow/Arnaud and similar lures between 5 and 15 cm. The coloures I tried reached from natural (like f.e. Wakasaki design) up to shock colures (like fire tiger).

Next times I will test some other spots, Is there anyone who can give me some advise? Or maybe someone who is even willig to join me?  ???

Hope to get some replies  8)

Cheers and always tight lines!
Always Tight Lines


try using a small 3-5cm popper.... you might be surprised!
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


Thanks for the advice, will definately give it a try. What about other spots? If possible close to sliema as I don´t have a car.
Always Tight Lines


you're in a good place.... I know someone who landed a 1.5kg barracuda whilst fly fishing there.... Keep persisting!
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


Anyone having any luck on Gozo at the moment? I went up to the salt pans yesterday one guy had 3+ hours with nothing..

I'm going to Victoria today and see if I can get a minnow, just need some places to take it for a swim :)


I am planing to go on saturday and/or sunday morning for some shore-spinning. As I don´t have a car I will be fishing in the area of Sliema (tigne Point, Preluna bay) Anyone wants to join me and exchange some infos and experiences?  8)

Always Tight Lines


Quote from: Calle on October 26, 2011, 13:04:09 CET
I am planing to go on saturday and/or sunday morning for some shore-spinning. As I don´t have a car I will be fishing in the area of Sliema (tigne Point, Preluna bay) Anyone wants to join me and exchange some infos and experiences?  8)


Hey Calle

I also go spinning on Saturday mornings. If you want, we can go together next Saturday. In fact I sent you a message but you didnt reply :)

Let me know


You have a reply now ;)

Sounds good, so let´s go on Sunday  ;D
Always Tight Lines


Hey guys!
Awesome post for a beginner like me!!!!
Hope to try out some spinning this weekend for the first time   :-\
I know you probably all know eachother outside of the website etc... but if you ever plan on going spinning and feel like some company, please let me know!!! Fishing is one of the only passions i have carried with me since when i was very young and i would love to get the chance to meet people with my same hobby + learn from you guys!!!
Thank you


Hey creepier,

I´m also searching for people to join. I don´t have much experience in salt-water spinning, but I have a very good knowledge about spinning in fresh-water. It should be possible for us to learn from each other :)

So let me know when you are planing to go.

Always Tight Lines


Hey calle.
That sounds great!! If you are still planning on going on Sunday, i'll probably join.


Hey guys,

anyone fishing/catching at the moment?
Always Tight Lines