Lampuki Fishing Regulation.

Started by framerc, January 31, 2011, 19:24:04 CET

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And that's what I'm trying to avoid for the MFF members.  Too many rumours flying around lately, especially on vessel registration and fishing rights, licences and fishing rights, fishermen being stopped from fishing in particular areas, longlines vs shortlines, by-catch and retainability of catch.  These items and others will be discussed during the MFF's next meeting with the fisheries control division on Tuesday 8 February.  We need some clear answers, and followup written confirmation. 
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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well, i just paid my MFC licence by post as i normally do and no one told me no longlining etc ..... maybe just rumours
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


No Placebo, they are not rumours, look at the beginning of this thread, there is correspondence between the federation of recreational fishermen and the Fisheries control division. 
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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this is going to be very ugly ..... what if i'm fishing with just a single hook on a baited line?

Are the experts defining this as longlining?
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


no placebo if u are using a paternoster...three/five hooks on a line is that long lining LOL
so bil-Hjut ma nistawx


As I said in previous posts.  we are meeting the Fisheries Control Division this coming Tuesday to discuss certain aspects connected to the Oris Big Game Tournament, but I have also set the agenda to discuss other fishing related matters, namely the interpretation and impact of regulation on recreational fishing activities. Will keep you all posted on the outcome of discussions.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Its open to interpretation guys.  What consititues a long line, is it becasue it's baited?, number of hooks deployed...length of line?...I have no idea.  The beurocrats in Brussels set minimum guidelines, then its up to each member state to implement.  It is for this reason that I strongly suggest:
1.  We keep up the goodwill with the local authorities (this has already paid off when we managed to lobby for a consession for BFT catch & release)
2.  Air our views in an assertive manner (by being firm and positive)
3.  Collaborate with the authorities and keep the discussion going
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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agree gaffer ..... good luck with the meetings then! good approach my friend
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing


Quote from: FREEDIVE on January 31, 2011, 20:24:19 CET
No wonder some full-timers complain that they dont make ends meet :o This method goes back to the pre-internal combustion engine days. Using oars, sail and hemp-twine  ;)
Well said Freedive too many rules/regulations/alloed days at sea etc were made using sail powered boats, hand hauled nets,polypropyline nets etc, nowadays with massive diesels engines, towing huge nets, laying Kms of monofilament gill nets, & using electronics to find the shoals its about time NEW LEGISLATION was introduced taking into account 2011 equipment & technology, THEN you would here the commercial sector whinge!



whats that big fish in your avatar?? it looks as big as you are!!! wish i catch something as big as that one day, or at least half its size  :P
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today


@ Ganni - Xi darba ghidlu jghallmek tkanta ukoll gann :D
Freedive and Ganni - Ghadni qed nistenna l-kors jibda jien!

@ Ganni - Some time tell heim to teach you how to sing too :D
Freedive and Ganni - I'm still waiting for the course to start!
I'd rather be fishing.....


@the_gaffer jekk qed tahseb li jien ma hlejtx eluf ta euros petrol sejjer zball.
Jekk qed tahseb li ma ghamiltx snin b magni inboard storbjuzi sejjer zball ukoll. Jien dillettant daqsek jew aktar ta kull tip ta sajd anke sajd avventuruz izzejjed li l- probabilita li taqbad hi zghira jew xejn.
Jien minhiex qed niddefenndi s-short lines (ghax ghamel tajjeb min sejjhilhom hekk) ghax immur nistad hekk ...imma nifhem xi jhoss min imur b' dan it-tip ta sajd. Kbira hafna li sajjied ma jiddefendix tip ta sajd li mhux distruttiv sempliciment ghax hu ma jmurx hekk.



@Snapper: Kullhadd jaf li d-delizju tas-sajd jiswa hafna flus.  Kieku kullhadd investa l-flus li jonfoq f-irkaptu tas sajd u jixtri l-hut mis-suq, kieku kollha kemm ahna iffrankajna hafna flus.
Miniex ser noqod nidhol fl-argument minn hu l-aktar deletant tas-sajd minni ghal minnek.  Dik hija suggettiva u kullhadd jara tieghu.  Pero, bhala sajjied delettant, jien inhosni nonqos lejn dak li nemmen jien jekk ma nespremiehx ukoll.  U appuntu ghalhekk nargumenta l-punt tieghi, ghax hekk nemmen.  Jista jkun li dak li nemmen jien, ma japlikax ghalih, jew haddiehor li esprima ruhu hawn.  B'daqshekk ma gara xejn.  Lanqas ma jien ser nimponi fuq hadd iehor it-twenmin tieghi, u ghaldaqstant ma nistenniex haddiehor jaghmel hekk mieghi.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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fishing for lampuki with just a 10 hook baited line should stay - i do not see the reason behind abolishing such fishing methods!

they will have a hell of a job monitoring how such practice should not be carried out at sea.
the fishing gods might have something for me tomorrow I'll be fishing