Meeting with the Fisheries (Related to the Oris National Big Game Tournament)

Started by baghira, April 13, 2011, 21:12:55 CET

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Quite agree.  The meeting was well attended.  Various questions were put from the floor, while Mark and Joseph also provided an insight into current legislation and where will all this take us.  A fact to mention is the current dicussions taking place beteen the Fisheries Division and Transport Malta on the regulation of recreational fishermen using vessels (MFC and S registration), and Fisheries and the Federation, especially on definition and interpretation of EU regulation No. 1967.
Of particular interest was a suggestion from the floor, backed by a number of people present, that all recreational fishermen should be affiliated with a recognised club or fishing association.  There are formal discussions going on to regulate the recreational fishing activity, be it from land, sea or underwater, and the suggestion from the floor to mandate all recreational fishermen to be affiliated with a club or association makes sense in terms of education, strength in numbers and control.  A topic which came up during the workshop was the recognition of the MFF by the Federation and the Malta Sports council. This will be addressed in the near future.  
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Some other issues discussed were:

'Pariti' this matter will be taken in hand seriously by the dept. after the BFT season is over. Discussions included size of nets, distance from shore, protected sites from this type of fishing, and maybe periods of the year.

The fisheries directorate can take also anonymous complaints, provided that these are not misleading.

AFM are bieng given instructions/information from the fisheries to act and enforce regulations, even if no officers from the fisheries are onboard.

The carrying of fishing impement on a boat by law means, that it is intended to be used, this meaning that if you carry aqualungs and have a speargun onboard, you are guilty of an offence.

What is permitted and not around filfla has been discussed, and moreover also other parts of the maltese islands, including protected dive sites etc.

The importance of market surveilance was highlighted by all members and authority, since that it is the only way to enforce fishermen to catch and release smaller species of fish.

This is what i could remember.

I seriously beleive that at this point in time, it is very important for all recreational fishermen to be members in a club. This would be of a great benefit for our sport, and we were also informed that the Malta Fishing Forum will in due time evolve!!

Thanks for all the members that attended.
It was very informative, and hope to help in the organisation of more such activities in the future.

Alltogether we can make a change.

P.S. A big thanks goes also to Punch and Judy club who offerd the Venue for this event, and also to Dr. Carbott whom is a valuable tool for us amateur fisherman.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Good outcome - keep it up.

So the MFF is recognised as a club or we (premium and VIP members) have to join another club?
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


No until today we are not recognised as a club Moonwalker...
But that's why I said that the forum will evolve..
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


QuoteAll Premium and VIP members of the MFF do not need to join another club.

This explains it all thanks.
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


Well done to all organisers for yesterday's meeting. It was a very interesting, positive and healthy discussion.
Fastfisher 14 Open powered by Evinrude E-TEC 50HP & Johnson 8HP