Some mullet

Started by EmicMalta, August 28, 2007, 20:16:54 CET

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Take a look at these ones that Mario Micallef and I use to catch this year.

The big ones are 4kg+

The first time that I meet was that 1.5kg one and shoot really easy. Then I had saw another 3 but they ran away as soon as I was getting out from the rooks.

The week after I went on the same place and at the last point i had saw the same 3 mullets hanging in half water without moving. I had done 3 aspettos of about 1.5min but still didn't wanted to come. Then considering the sun and how the waves where at that time, I use to go a bit near them and still they stayed there. After 3 minutes it came the monster one. It was really big. Came for the shoot and I took the trigger. But the spear went down without even hitting the fish. How does this happen??? First time!!! All my spearo friends know that I use to have all my staff at 101% so that I try not to loose any fish unresponsable. I taught that there was something wrong with the gun but I cannot understood this event.

After some days Mario and I went for a whole day spearfishing in the same area. The wind was NW force 5. Wow!! It was full of mullets and saragi. At that day I understood what had happen on that shoot. The fish was too big so that I didn't managed how near it was. This also could happen on other fish in open water. Your concentration goes all on the fish opposite to you and cannot have a point of reference, the only thing is trying to see the white of it's eye but still it's difficult. Now a days I use to spear on some big fish when they use to pass, so that I be sure of my shoot



Excellent pics Edward. Very envious


Very nice catches. Well done.

My biggest mullet ever was this one of 1.3kg. I was doing an aspetto in a crevice at about 7 or 8m trying to make some white bream come closer but these did not come within range. Before resurfacing I decided to look around a bit and from behind me, on my right hand side, I was two large mullets approaching. Their route would have kept them out of range so I had to make a 180 degress turn in the crevice and perform a short agguato out of the crevice heading behind some seaweed in order to come closer to where I presumed they would have passed. I can still remember every second of this catch.


Having problems to upload the pic as it is very high res...will get a low res one soon
Man will never be able to stop time but he can get very close by freediving.


Nice one too. When shooting on mullets on aspettoes try to shoot it sideways, 1st due its hard to penetrate, 2nd try to hit it in the cheeks or tail, because they will be with eggs and are really delicious, and 3rd is that you have the idea of the size.

Also always shoot this type of fish in clean waters, not in ports or near any dump.