Jigging lessons

Started by Moonwalker, June 01, 2011, 23:31:13 CET

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I need some Jigging lessons ...

I got an Okuma Cedros and rod lately and tried to do some jigging. But I couldn't get the action right and it was really tiersome. Ok I tried it in the open water (while bottom fishing - since biting su*ks lately) and there was some current. I dropped jig (200g) down to about 100m and started jigging up. But it was really hard to do the jigging action and wind the line at the same time so I think I was not doing it right. Please help.

Do you really see the fish on the fishfinder? I tried for about half an hour just off the cliffs in the 80m range but could not see any fish. So do you try to locate the fish before jigging or just find a spot and drop there?
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


To get the jigging action correct, start out doing it slowly, and build up the rythm.  Put a jig on without the hook so you do not snag to the bottom. Then just start the jigging action slowly, concentrat on how you must jig the rod up and down in a tight circular motion, and try to time the cranking on the reel with it.

slowly increase the speed of the action so that you get the hand of it.  it takes a lot of practice but once you nail it, you're ok to go.

as for the fish ... depends on how much resolution and power your gadget has.  As a safe bet look for Bait fish that are hanging just off the bottom in a tight mass, or for solitary rocks on the bottom. Don't panic and start dropping jigs, take time to position the boat so that when the jig hits the bottom you'll be over the sweet spot.

If you need help with rigging, knots or tackle, PM me.
Official Molix, Major Craft, DUO and SeaSpin agent for Malta.


Thanks m8. - any good videos explaining the action properly?

As for the ff my gadget should be powerfull enough. I can clearly see the jig up to 150m and while bottom fishing I can see the fish coming up from 100m upwards. I believe I should be abel to see amberjacks if I come over them but dentax could be tricky since it stays on the bottom - or am I wrong?
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


re: videos explaing the action ... no everyone seems to have his own prefered technique and you will be changing that technique depending on the type of lure you use.  So it is really up to you to practise practise and practise.  If you need a jigging buddy to help you practise let me know lol

My Italian friend swears he can tell a fish from a rock on his Koden, from his catches i have kind of started to beleive him hehehe
Official Molix, Major Craft, DUO and SeaSpin agent for Malta.


I am givin up guys on this matter.
I am finding this jigging???????????????
So many times I know that the fish is underneath (dentex) I check to be sure (mask and snorkel), I go to same place over and over but never had a bite.

Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Silvio......I know it can be frustrating but that Dentex doesn't feel you are a threat with your jig.

What size braid and leader do you have? Why type of jig are you using? Sometimes they are just not in a mood to strike?


Nick I was to the seminar and I think it this is bullshit.
When you spend all the money in a size of braid, here comes Mr X which tells you that you have to buy this, which is x expensive, and better.

I have 50lb braid, and 50lb floro.
Jigs varies, Mosly Ta Maria Blue flame etc.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Baghira you finally got the scope of that seminar, lol.

Have you considered the fact that maybe the fish recognize a fish from a jig?

now that you spent the money give it a try every now and then
Good season so far.....


Quote from: baghira on June 02, 2011, 08:31:11 CET
Nick I was to the seminar and I think it this is bullshit.
When you spend all the money in a size of braid, here comes Mr X which tells you that you have to buy this, which is x expensive, and better.

I have 50lb braid, and 50lb floro.
Jigs varies, Mosly Ta Maria Blue flame etc.

ghandek combination tajba ta' xolfa, u toqghodx tati kas id-ditti.... pratikament id-ditti 'l-kbar' kollha ekwivalenti... sakemm mintix tuza xi haga minn qih ic-china... m'ghandekx inkwiet.

Bhala jigs, nahseb li l-istess storja tax-xolfa tapplika, Daiwa, Maria, Duel, River2Sea... kollha tajbin, hin biex taghmel l-esperjenza u tihu l-qada taghhom trid.

Nahseb li l-aktar haga importanti rigward il-jigs hi s-size, sa 100 metru fil-fehma tieghi anything over 100 grams kollu zejjed!

Pero man taqtax qalbek....


You are not giving me much hope - maybe I should stick to bottom fishing :)
However sometimes there is some fish passing in the 50m range and it should be worth doing some jigging there.
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


I'm sorry but I beg to differ, all braids are not created equally. Forget the actual brand you go for (that's a personal preference, including if you get depth finder or not), however Japanese PE line cannot be compared to regular braid. It's all about the construction, numbers of strands, twists per yard etc etc.

You can have two identical types of braid both rated at 50lbs, one regular spectra/dyneema and the other Japanese PE line, the diameter of the two will tend to be very very different with the PE being much thinner.

I've seen some real rubbish braid on the market, that is NOT well suited to jigging but is good for other applications like deep drop bottom fishing with electric reels, and obviously costs less.

From the seminar I didn't focus on brands, but rather on some of the tecniques he discussed and core principles that have been discussed on other forums, especially those focused on jigging.

But bottom lines guys, it's getting harder and harder as a fishing style, that yes I can totally appreciate will have a lot of people saying why bother spending all this money on tackle with very mediocre results.

I think it's a good idea to always have a jigging and popping rod on board, rigged up and ready to go just in case you see something worthwhile, whilst you are either trolling, deep bottom fishing or spearfishing. Well at least that's what I intend to do this year!


Quote from: skip on June 02, 2011, 10:52:36 CET
I'm sorry but I beg to differ, all braids are not created equally. Forget the actual brand you go for (that's a personal preference, including if you get depth finder or not), however Japanese PE line cannot be compared to regular braid. It's all about the construction, numbers of strands, twists per yard etc etc.

You can have two identical types of braid both rated at 50lbs, one regular spectra/dyneema and the other Japanese PE line, the diameter of the two will tend to be very very different with the PE being much thinner.

I've seen some real rubbish braid on the market, that is NOT well suited to jigging but is good for other applications like deep drop bottom fishing with electric reels, and obviously costs less.

From the seminar I didn't focus on brands, but rather on some of the tecniques he discussed and core principles that have been discussed on other forums, especially those focused on jigging.

But bottom lines guys, it's getting harder and harder as a fishing style, that yes I can totally appreciate will have a lot of people saying why bother spending all this money on tackle with very mediocre results.

I think it's a good idea to always have a jigging and popping rod on board, rigged up and ready to go just in case you see something worthwhile, whilst you are either trolling, deep bottom fishing or spearfishing. Well at least that's what I intend to do this year!

granted... ghandek ragun fuq kollox... ma nistax immerik.... fuq il-punti fattwali!

Pero' mill-esperjenza nghidlek, power pro uzajt, berkley uzajt, climax uzajt u sunline uzajt ukoll.... kollha felhu hut ta' certu importanza l'istess, u meta il-braid kellu jmur... mar, jew fil-glieda mal-huta, jew mal-hafa jew waqt il-cast (shore jigging) issa m'hemmx ghalfejn noqghod nidhol fid-dettal tal-prezzijiet ghax nahseb maghrufa u kullhadd kapaci jikkonkludi l-fattur tal-value for money.

If shit comes to shovel u x-xlief ghandu jmur, ha jmur jista jkun jiswa mitqlu deheb u ohxon pulzier u fih it-triplu tal-fibri ta' xolfa ohra. On the paper li l-kwalita tkun ahjar importanti, fid-dinamika tas-sajda jekk xi haga ha tmur zmerc ic-cans hu li x-xlief se jmur indipendenti mill kwalita iddikjarata tieghu!

Barra minn dan kollu.... l-aktar fattur importanti... l-ghoqda tal-braid mal-leader ma semmejnijix, u lkoll nafu li din hi l-weakest link tas-set-up kollu. Kif ga ghidt jista jkollok xlief tal-65lb gappuniz jiswa 100€ al 150 metru... ghax jekk l-ghoqda tal-leader tfalli... il-kwalita tax-xlief ma tiswa ghal xejn, u l-ghoqidi xi darba jew l-ohra kollha jfallu, albright, tony penha, uni to uni... kollha!

Ma rridx ninstema pessimist u naqta qalb hadd... imma r-ragunament personali tieghi fej jidhol il-braid sar... li inutli tmur over budget. Nevita kif ghidt int (skip) l-imbarazz imma still ma nfittix affarijit ta' barra minn hawn.

u btw... jien shore jigging biss naghmel ghax confined on-shore permanenti :P


Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


@ JZ the thread was started in English so please keep it in that language. We have a system here that if a thread is started in a language we continue that way...so please translate.


Quote from: baghira on June 02, 2011, 08:31:11 CET
Jigs varies, Mosly Ta Maria Blue flame etc.

You're not catching because you're using the wrong jigs :P hehehe

Jokes apart. Guys Jigging is a technique that is similar to spinning in one fundamental common factor, perseverance.  Do NOT expect to go out there, see the fish and expect it to automatically hook it. 

Point #1. Fish need to be willing to hunt, It is not the first time i am spinning, Barracudas and Leerfish come to give the lure a very good look, maybe even take note of the make and model, and the serial number of the lure if its one of those expensive ones.  The she just turns around, gives you a good look, and shows you the middle finger.

Point #2.  Some areas are becoming extremely pressured with fishing.  The fish will get used to the Jigs, and they will not bite.  It doesn't take too long for them to learn that after a few failed bites it is not worth biting anymore.  You need to rest a fishing spot, after taking a few fish from there, by rest I mean leave it be for a few months.  This is not something I am coming up with, they are the words of Ambermax some of you may know him. He was very, adamant on that point.

Point #3.  We as a fishing comunity have got no real commitment to preserving our fish stocks, and the government's commitment is close to zero.  We need laws that ban indiscriminate fishing, and WE need to practice more catch and release.  I wonder how old a Dentex and a Grouper needs to be to spawn? (anyone can come up with facts?)

As for tackle, I may know a thing or two.  I always tell my clients to buy the best they can afford, and take care of it zealously.  As Nick was mentioning, the Japanese 8 and 12 strand PE lines are very good because they are round and will cause less friction on the water.  This translates to better performance in current, something that we suffer a lot since we are an island.  If you cannot afford it, get a good 4 strand, you'll just need to use your head a bit better.

The die hard jiggers here will vouch on how invaluable a good rod and reel is.  Firstly the weight, jigging is tiring, secondly robustness.  Some rods may seem to be over priced, but after i have been given the chance to see and appreciate the process that goes into designing and producing a rod, and the cost of the raw materials, i realised they were worth every cent.

Last point here .... if you want to have a good chance of catching fish, stick to natural bait.  If you want to have the satisfaction of having hunted down a fish, with your skills, then stick to Jigging. It may be just one fish, but the satisfaction is huge.
Official Molix, Major Craft, DUO and SeaSpin agent for Malta.