type of lures

Started by james15, July 30, 2011, 10:58:57 CET

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a good lure for barracuda ,and some other lures for sawrell?
for sawrell  [metala] is it good


ghati titwila fil forum ghamel search ax m ilux kien haw post simili

Admin hemm xi cans taghmel section FAQ u din tal lures tkun wahda minnhom.Min jidhol haw l ewwel haga li se jsaqsi ghax jien hekk ghamilt.


the use of the search function is not an option it seems!! :(


The forum has countless posts on such a topic; all you need to do is use the search and read each post per topic. You will surely learn from others experiences and posts. And who knows if you manage to learn something new you will be able to share your thoughts as well. Practise makes you perfect, spinning requires lots of dedication and perseverance and testing ... there is no standard pattern. :)