Fishing Rigs

Started by abraxas, December 28, 2007, 14:50:35 CET

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Hello Everyone,

first post :)  I was just wondering what rigs everyone here uses.  I fish from onshore and so far all I've used are paternosters (by the way ... what do you call these rigs in Maltese?  I always go to the store and say "some of those").  I've seen people here recommend using a running ledger rig for bottom fishing .... I was wondering if anyone has tried out the "pulley rig" (you can see it here  Looks like this setup might be better for our rocky Maltese coasts.  Also what kind of sinkers does everyone use?  I've seen a bunch of fishermen use spark plugs!


I like to use running ledger mostly since I find it very effective with breams. As a cast weight normally I start from 10grms to 25grms. Regarding the weight take care about the rod since on it normally there will be marked the cast wieghts. Still with a pater noster it is still effective since with it u can even make 3 hooks and therefore sometimes / occasionaly u can catch for example 2 together. 3 from land is a bit difficult.(at least me I had never luck)


I'm always happy with one fish :)  I usually work with 10 - 20 grams casting weight ... however I find myself getting snagged quite a bit.