New Shop: Pets & Hooks

Started by skip, October 26, 2012, 20:23:50 CET

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Hanut Gdid

Pets & Hooks
Triq Labour Avenue

Inti u tiela it-telgha tan-Naxxar min fejn tal-Mercedes,faccata tal- Philips TV.

Ghandom hafna ditti bhal Okuma, Mitchel,DTD,Yozurri,Penn,Tubertini u hafna ohrajn milli hemm fis-suq.

Ikollom lixka ghal gambli, hniex tal-kaxxa u hniex ta l-Imperjal li  jaqbduhom huma stess.

Dan huwa l-istess hanut li kien gharmat gewwa l-Isla, "Kevin tal-hniex ta l-isla" b' prezzijiet tajbin.

12% discount fuq affarjiet ta sajd , izda mhux fuq lixka u mhux fuq l-affarjiet li jkunu tiga b'discount  ghax ikollhom tiga discount tajjeb.

Ghal aktar informazzjoni cempel fuq 99847021

A new shop has opened called "Pets & Hooks" in Labour Avenue Naxxar, going up the hill from the Mercedes showroom towards Naxxar Church and the shop can be found opposite Philips TV.

They have several brands like Okuma, Mitchel, DTD, Yozuri, Penn, Tubertini and other well known brands.

They also sell bait like shrimps, worms, and live worms that they catch themselves.

The shop is offering a 12% discount on all fishing items , but not on bait/live bait or products that are already discounted.