informazjoni fuq il lizz

Started by eman ciantar, October 26, 2011, 19:22:04 CET

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Good quality = catching + durability + dipendebility = more than 3 Euros definitly
Jig Harder --->


Quote from: Granitu on October 30, 2011, 01:56:50 CET
amen habib, kulhadd liberu

pero nahseb li hawn fissazjoni li l prezz oghla = iktar hut.

jien ma nistax nifhem kif trejjex b rapala u ma jmissek xejn. u lure ta 3 euro tahdem ahjar. U fuq dghajsa specjalment....

jien hekk kont nirraguna, ghandi qasab ta ftit euros mux hazin, ez shimano surf leader (b titanium guides) + rill shimano super ultegra xsa li jekk rajt 8 sargi, imbad maver ta Eur 50 u rill cormoran qbadt bil gzuz sargi.

armati kollox l istess.... u qasba ta Eur 50 hija iktar addata minn qasba ta eur 400 ghal malta.

jien hawn nipprova naghti ghajnuna lin nies ma jaghmlux l izbalji li ghamilt jien meta ssib xi sales man ibellalek li jaqbillu jew taqa fin nasba tal brands.

hawn hafna li llum aggornaw u jaghtu servizz tajjeb, imma fl ahhar ahna rridu naghzlu x ha nixtru. L brands tajbin, imma ma jfissrux kollox :)

Jien naqbel mieghek....

Il-hut li taqbad bis-setup ta' 700€ tista taqbdu b'set-up ta' 100€.... jew anqas... u dan hafna drabi japplika ghal-lures ukoll.

Meta nigu ghar-rejalta u l-aktar haga mportanti fis-sajda (ghalmenu ghalijja) jigifiri l-qabda... daqs kemm ghandek cans taqbad bit-tenryu ta' 400€ ghandek cans taqbad bil-grauvell ta' 60€.

Biex ma nghidx ukoll.... li bil-materjal low end tmur tistad aktar seren, ghax jekk kissirta qasba rhisa m'ghandekx damage kbir fuq il-but. Mentri jekk hassart Yamaga Blanks jew St.Croix ghandek paga biex tibdila.

Biss l-argument ta' Charlie ma nistax immerih l-anqas, ghax jekk bniedem u dilettant ta' ogett high end, xejn hlief dak l-oggett high end m'hu se jissodisfah! Tipo, jekk bniedem iffissat ma jhossux komdu jiggigja b'anqas minn Stella inutli tiprova tfehmu li Saragosa ha jatik l-istess rizultati b'hafna inqas budget. Ghax li Stella jkun irid.


Another point with lures is their design.  Most Japanese companies design their lures around the fish and sea conditions of their waters.  They may catch fish here but are not ideal.  To make matters worse, chinese lures are inferior copies of these lures.  As has been already mentioned, I have had a fish on such lures but only retrieved a split ring! So a bit of homework before spending your cash is a good idea.

When I started my online business with spinning lures, I had the option of getting some really good copies of some renowned japanese models, but honestly I did not want to kid myself or my customers with that stuff. I chose two companies that provided japanese quality, with european design as a way in between to offer a better value for the money spent. At the end of the day cheap lures were always available on the market so it was pointless importing those.

il-Baqra kollha tinbieh ;)
Official Molix, Major Craft, DUO and SeaSpin agent for Malta.


@ J_Z

you may have a point on rods...a 100 euro rod may be as durable as a 400 euro rod... however the action will vary, and when it comes to a jigging rod you'll notice the difference after 10 hours of jigging

however about reels, i'm sorry but you are completely wrong...a saragosa can never give the result of a stella... you will know that after fishing both reels for more than a year or after hooking up a big fish...and fishing i dont mean going once a month for 5 hrs each session...

when it comes for a conventional reel... not even those...a big pen senator will never give the performance of a small €400 lever drag reel...well then if you have in mind just alongi, even a €60 penn commander reel will do.

if you fish seriously always go for the best cause you'll never know when you'll hook up the fish of a lifetime :)
SHIMANO---Tomorrow's tackle today