My biggest catch

Started by visa, November 04, 2007, 20:04:50 CET

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Destination Sea

coming down to the BBQ Benri?
Marino Iside 500 - Etec 90
Buccaneer 130 - Mercury 20


I like this topic BIGGEST CATCHES... I would rather post in a topic named ANY CATCHES?? If things keep going the way they are we will soon have NO CATCHES and after some yeas FISH ??? WHAT"S THAT. Kollox minhabba il-parit u il-cowboys (jew fishboys jigu dawk?) li jitfghuh....


Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


.......naqbel mieghek Toxictuna. Ilbierah gewwa supermarket rajt ghall-bejgh go fish display, pixxi san pietru ta xi 10cms, u kocc kahli u sargi wkoll ma jaqbzux 10cms!!! Vera bahar meqrud bill-pariti)-:


imma dan ma jistawx jghatu multa lil min qed ibih dan il hut... biex tmur issib is sajjid difficili ghax il bahar kbir. Imma hwienet tal hut hawn inqas.... ghati multa lil min ibih u ma jibqax jixtri min ghand is sajjied, is sajjied ma jibqax jaqba il hut iz zghir ghax ma igib xejn tieghu. Veru ikun hemm xorta xi ftit imma ahjar milli jaqbdu bil kwantita.... kif ghamlu bil friken tal bahar wara kollox...


Went fishing for lampuki yesterday,didn,t catch any fishing with hand lines but something hit my lure that was HUGE.Ripped the line through my fingers causeing burns. Fish turned and headed back towards the boat pulled the line till got contact with the fish and wrapped the line around my hand and fingers.Fish took off so hard and the pull was so great that I thought Iwould loose my fingers as the line was so tightaround them. My friend grabed the line with me but the pull was too much as we had no means of playing it like you do with a rod and reel so the line snapped ( 50lbs bs ) Next time its fishing for lampuki with a 50lbs rod and Penn 115, now burn my fingers fishy   ;D
If you can't eat it don't kill it.

Kevin G

redbud a lot of tunnies around, from land we saw them geting out of water.
The Sea Sweeper :D


we usually keep a few mtrs extra with any hand line so that u have some line to play with, still cannot compare to rod and reel. DO NOT EVER wrap line round ur hands or fingers as it can be dangerous apart from burns u can get pulled in the water and if the line is kept taught thers is no telling what can happen. A tuna is a lot stronger than a be careful especially those who use .90mm lines.


Jekk iridu l'awtoritajiet jafu x'ghandhom jaghmlu biex iwaqqfu sajd illegali, toxictuna........imma hemm min ghandu nteress ux........ara maghna l-kaccaturi, full time fuqna l-ALE

stevea you really believe that no action is taken against illegal interest because of personal interests? you know anything fishy?


that personal interest is called VOTE.
Buccaneer 147 powered by Yamaha 85


rixa444 ghandu ragun.....lilna hin kollu jiccekjawlna is sniter li jkun fijom 3,tipi ta skratac ,closed season u hekk u kontra dawn is -sajjieda li jiksru il ligi xejn


I think your comparison with trying to control illegal and indiscriminate hunting with trying to control illegal fishing does not make sense. They are on different levels ......and you need different resources to control them. The effects of illegal hunting and fishing are also visibly very different. Seeing a graceful flamingo shot into hundreds of pieces is different from seeing a ten inch pesche san pietro being caught. Accordingly, public opinion would tend to be harsher towards illegal hunting then illegal fishing. Fisheye---- votes do not come into the equation for illegal fishing! If anything, votes would have been considered when dealing with illegal hunting.
Imsomma.... ovja li both are very wrong.. I just think the comparison sucks. I would do anything to stop the bast**** from destroying our sea...


my friend stevea votes in malta come in ALL equations and they always did. How ? it is a long boaring discussion which we can take in the next event organised by the forum. Hunting is another soft spot I have and In MAlta we have been banned from practicing leagal hunting. Spring hunting was leagal but we have been banned from practicing it. By the way I am against any Illeagal activity whether is hunting, fishing or anything else and all of it should be stopped. Killing a graceful flamingo is as much disturbing as killing a 15 year old cernia or a dolphin or presenting a dish filled with undersize fish. But while for the flamingo, one can be even imprisoned for the others nothing is being done. By the way was nice meeting you yesterday.       
Buccaneer 147 powered by Yamaha 85


yes yes.. Fisheye.. you have a point but i would tend to keep fishing and hunting apart,,,,, as I personaly have different views on hunting,,,was also nice meeting everyone..))