Tragedy missed by a couple of inches....

Started by baghira, January 02, 2012, 18:36:02 CET

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Today I was on a boat passing by the some tuna pens, and I noticed people enjoying a relax day at the sea (finally) fishing.

A ship went to feed the tuna in the pens, whilst this pen was surrounded by people fishing on their boats. This ship sounded a horn some meters away from the pen, and then speeded uptowards the pen at elevated speed.
I said ohh my god.....
They headed between two boats, and at the end they deviated their route towards a particular boat so that they can come along the pen and use the crane.. The people on the boat had their boat tied with two ropes to the pens, and they succeeded to remove one rope, but not the other. The front of the ship hit this boat, which was full of people fishing and nearly sunk the boat, and injured (if not worse) all the people on board. The boat was half submersed and poeple were trying to push their boat from underneath this ship to no avail, since that this was still tied up....The boat got full of water, and they and other people from other boats were shouting in great panic. The crew on this ship did not dare to look at what was happening underneath thier boat and kept on working. :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X I was amazed and terrified by what I was seeing. :-X :-X It was evident that the captain did it on purpose and not by accident.

It is true that the boats could not fish in the mentioned territory, but was that a way to handle the situation???? Abuse the law and do wht the F... they want since that They are the king of the seas.

Thrust me guys... It was not a nice situation to be into. It could have ended up in a catastropy.
I am writing this so that you avoid getting in similair situations.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


if all boaters observe the law , situations like this will be avoided !! TO USE VIOLENCE IS NEVER THE ANSWER ! but i blame more the sport fisherman that fish close to the farms, 


Hi baghira can i ask you,where did you saw this catastrofic?(on which pens pls).


It happened and I am not saying where..
Just take my advise.

Yogi, you are a bit right, but what harm are these poor fishermen causing??
And was the captain right to charge a ship in this small boat??
What if someone was killed??
Do you think that something would happen if a report was lodged to the authorities?
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


baghira if you are willing to report and testify against the captian, I believe criminal procedures will be taken against the captain for his violent behaviour and the fisherman for fishing in a prohited area
Good season so far.....


In my HO in such circumstances one would call the authorities concerned and report the incident, in this case collision between 2 boats with the most information possible there and then, you don't have to give your details but If you do it will help for the investigation. The fact that one is fishing in prohibited area does not give the right to anyone to use force against the wrong doer.    
Buccaneer 147 powered by Yamaha 85


Once I was fishing tied to the yellow buoy of the pens. The ship came and moored some 4m afar from me. At one point with the current that his engines created, buoys started moving heavily to all directions. I had a near miss with the one I was tied to. From that day I learnt my lesson that it's not worth the danger of being over there.


the large work boat can say that he did not see the small boats.
also the small boats must observe navigation of larger ships and move out of the work aria or ship lane,
 reporting such accident is a must , i think that if reported to authorities will work more against the sport fisherman because the law to keep at a distance will be reinforced .
, i went few times near the pans and what happens is not nice to say the least , some times is like an invasion sworming the aria,
i decided to keep away time ago after caching a lampuka and 2 or 3 boats tried to cut my lines . for me that is not fishing that is comedy in making.


Please note that my last question was not meant to be answered!
I had to tink twice whether to post this or not but I felt the need to advice our friends here.
I have to intention to report anyone. If the persons that suffered this felt not the need, neither did I. If it had happened to me then that's another story.......
I do not know wheter they had the time to entangle the boat before all this happened, and if they had, they are crazy to remain there with such a ship heading towards you, but the captain saw this boat 100% and headed towards him on purpose.
I beleive that if someone reported to the authorities, he qould get a fine, and the masters of our seas would remain unharmed.
Yogi I do not know you, and am not here to judge you, but your comments are a bit questionable!!!!!
Why don't we declare this area as Marine protected!!!

I am only writing some advice. You can either take it or not.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


thanks for the story,  i think we should appreciate people taking time to write about these things as we can learn from others mistakes, in this case the angler's underestimation of the captains 'road rage'.


Baghira - what if the ship rammed your dinghy with you and your friends aboard, would you still not report to the authorities?  ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Fastfisher 14 Open powered by Evinrude E-TEC 50HP & Johnson 8HP


i know the feeling i almost had the same shit 2 yrs ago  the lets call it the big boat just horn once and speed up to the pens if you are lucky to escape good if not you are screwed . i tried to calm down the situation since one of the divers was a school mate , they seek no excuses you cant fish there and that's it .
this is their theory ,their  daily blessing. if so they must surround the area as they do in summer to avoid all the mess.

i recon baghira is definitely right do not and i stress do not mess up with the pen workers cos they are without scruple.
out there its far west trust me i had a couple of regrets in the open sea.

law is twisted to ad hire the big owners  and  so loopholes are on the side of the toughest and strongest wealthy side.

  be careful.......
always want to fish.... why.... cos fun ux!!!


sirena . that is exactly  what i tried to say ,


jien ili xi sentejn ma nohrog nistad as-sawrell u l-vopi mal fish farms tat-tonn. l-iktar li kont nohrog kien is sibt filodu.dak iz zmien kienu burdati.daqqa ma jajdulna xejn u daqqa kien jinqala xeba glied u kont indabbar rasi millewwel.

Ifhem gieli kienu iqazzuha ax ma gagga wahda gili konna inkunu xi 15 il dajsa.

Is sitwazzjoni kif inhi bhalissa? ax bilmalti adni kemm dahhalt dajsa gdida u nithajjar nerga immur semm ax jekk jasal imiss sajda sabieha u timla barrada fkemm trodd salib