My Catches!

Started by Arti2, December 18, 2007, 20:46:34 CET

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The more you go the more you get used to it. Once I tried without wetsuit, it was at the end of April with my cousin. We spent only 30 mins and came out of the water with violet/blue lips.

Today I spent a good day at sea. Will post some pics tomorrow. And don't worry for the cuttlefish, mot even a sign of them same as for the fish.
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Quote from: Arti2 on February 16, 2009, 20:53:02 CET
The more you go the more you get used to it. 

I agree, somehow our bodies adapt to the depths and to the cold!!!! Maybe I would add "motivation" together with "perseverance" to the recipe.


I do not agree.
The body acts as a biological mechansim, and I beleive that the human mind can make the body sometimes adapt differently in certain conditions, but this is just for the people trained in this area.
Perseverance I do not beleive it helps (on its own), If you are trainded in some kind of discipline like yoga, I beleive there are ways.

Human bodies differ, and some tollerate more than other's, that's it. Simple.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


human bodies differ it's's written in the genetic code. Where did I hear this. LOL :)

Human bodies ADAPT to conditions they are exposed to in different magnitudes and rates But they DO ADAPT.

Let me give you a silly example... the first time you tried to play a guitar your fingers hurt but with time and practice enough keratin is built up on your finger tips to manage. Same goes to any sport of physical activity that is performed for endless hours.

There is solid scientic evidence regarding the two human adaptation to cold waters and deep water by hard training of pros. There was also a study on Umberto regading the depths.

Unfortunately I do not have the vids/docs anymore...(formatted pc recently).
If you ever stumble on Umberto's vid is really worth watching it has a scientific background.


of course perseverence is not enough....there are many factors...fat content to name one....but is one key ingredient of the recipe.


To return to this topic subject My Catches......

Catch 16th February 09 morning.

3Kg600 & 1Kg+ Octopusies.

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Catch 16th February 09 Afternoon.

4Kg, 3KG500, 890g, 2KG, 950g Octopuses!

4KG & 3Kg500 Octos.

4Kg, 3Kg500 & 2KG Octopuses.

Another view of the best two sized.
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holy cows!!!!chunky octos...I thought we are going to see more of your home :(

Anyways, better to drip on the roof...less grumbling from wife...LOL...yet you have to clean them. :)

is that the 2 component water sealing behind you? Mine wasn't resistant to my dogs.

You really should take care of your cholesterol levels :)


Hi Arti2 how do you prepare the octopus before cooking,do you just cut the tentacles off or do you clean the whole thing? If so how do you do it? thanks.
If you can't eat it don't kill it.


Checked already....
Eat & burn but a litlle fat helps for the cold  ;D
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 nice octopus arti 2 , theres some biggies around  this time of year.
If I give you a fish I'll be feeding you once, if i'll show you how I caught it I'll be feeding you for ever.


Arti, Just for curiosit...has an octopus ever caught you instead of you catching it (Saying this because they are almost as big as you the big ones hehe)


@ Redbus, you clean it before freezing. Its important that at least you freeze it for 24Hrs.

Then if its not a big one put it in the water and heat together with water. Before boiling, turn off and leave it to cool, if it becomes pinkish if not keep boiling. Remove the octopus and cut it in pieces.(tentacles,etc. and remove the eyes and mouth if you did not remove it earlier)

Then continue your stew or sauce. Altough sometimes I put it raw pieces with the onions. And cooking it slowly gives a tender result!
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Quote from: fabrizioviper on February 17, 2009, 17:46:14 CET
nice octopus arti 2 , theres some biggies around  this time of year.

Yes, yesterday I caught 4 good sized ones.
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Arti2 thanks for that but how do you actually clean it before freezing it? ???
If you can't eat it don't kill it.