Federation Meeting with Fisheries Board Sub Committee for new Sport/Recreational

Started by frabel, November 12, 2012, 21:03:22 CET

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Quote from: Gogo on November 22, 2012, 17:18:17 CET
No Joe this sub committe has not been on for three  years. Discussions with  TM nad FCD  re boat registration has been on for 3 years. With two changes in directorship progtress lagged.
This year the new Director continued discussions with TM and since there is mutual favourable discussions, FCD late summer decided to create this committee to engulf the main outstanding issues.
Fishing regulations cannot be passed when you have recreational Fishing boats registered on two different departments. There is no hurry. If election is on and the job is not finished well then it is the responsability of the Government in power to decide whether all the work done by the previous administration should be dumped and start from scratch most probly with an identical unfinished symphony or carry on with most of the work already done and then get the benefit from the result.

Three years to discuss boat registration? So, it takes you guys 3 years to make up an unfinished symphony, but you expect to put together the symphony of symnphonies in 3 months!
Really, this is a sign of the times, and being repeated everywhere at the moment.  Incredible.

FCD is rushing...and you and the Federation should question why all this rush (Unless, as I have already stated, you are comfortable with this -and prefer not to question, as this would upset his master's voice )

Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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@ Gogo you keep saying that even if nearly everyone here is saying that things are being rushed and we are not well informed and fairly represented you cannot pull out of the committee after having presented valid reasons and maybe signatures from recreational fisherman that these talks must stop and begin from the beginning in the right way because the authorities will press on with the discussions without us (the only people that will be affected by all this) being represented. If this is the case and I like many others know that this will happen than we are not living anymore in a democracy. Maybe someone was right in saying for the past year that we are not living in a democratic country anymore.
Are the federation committee members in favour of how the subcommittee is made up.?
Are they fully aware of what is being discussed and what is going to be discussed?


I am under the impression,{actually i have no daubts},that gogo and frabel are ignoring me completely.It is
very evident that this was agreed between them,or,it must be the coincidence of the century.
Mind you,not that i'm bothered or worried,but was wondering why. Could it be that i am with all my might,calling for these meetings to stop? Any guesses?

Pauline Tuna

Please let us know if the person in charge of the fisheries control department is classified in a post of a Director General or only a person in charge of office ...signing in the post of a Director general !!...thanks for the forum to look into this and advise the general members !!


Jahassra kocc leblieb fil vojt. Ahjar taraw min hemm fuq dal ahbicc bord halli tifmu l kuztjoni. Tkarkijr=but, tonn=gageg=but, dipartiment=mghandomx idea, mepa u tat turizmu=biex taparsi serja l affari, federazzjoni= inqabdu gol froga, cermen=miskin minjaf kem jidhaq u flistess hijn jibki f qalbu. miskin iz zghijr u d dilettant ghax iz z---pp huma se jibilewh :(


If one enters the federation website you can download this document http://memberfiles.freewebs.com/85/26/94352685/documents/Fish%20Presentation%20-%2016102012.pdf

in the part about the full-time fisherman it is recommended that they are being put at a disadvantage from part-timers and recreational fisherman so this is one of the things that will be against us. It is very difficult to go against a recommendation from foreign consultants and even more if it in favor of the big guys   

Pauline Tuna

Gogo & gaffer ...awaiting your reply re the Director !!.......i am reading all these points and pages and comments, though am not stating own ideas...all what I can say is that we have to start attending these meetings together with Gogo as he always said he always attend by himself...both in the past and in the present.....already enough years passed and legislations were made in not favour re- our recreational fishing methods....thereafter whats been proposed keeps to be proposed with a big backround of the 2 co-operatives related to the full / part fisherman, that dominates the scenarios with strong people that no one pertain upon there decisions....they are strong to affect decisions together with FCD...then whats left is us the recreational..who is very simple to abide laws according to them....

Pauline Tuna

ACCJOLAMAN - kieku jien minflokok....nkun kawt iktar fdiskorsi...il vera li kultant ikolok ragun pero ghandek ferm zball fejn tghid li kollox ghadej qisu xejn ma huwa xejn...nasigurak li dak li huwa ghadej min kumpaniji kbar visa vie mal FCD persee'.....huwa ferm differenti min kif qed tghid inti u oqod atent ma gibx kollox kontra diskorsok..isma minni....il-koperativi huma ta forma ta kumpaniji u bsahithom wisq....u il gvern huwa gvern...u dipartiment huwa dipartiment...hemm nies specifici li qed jghamlu xoghlom tajjeb bdokumentazzjoni preciza....pero jibqa l fatt li zokk mghaweg ma tidritah qatt !!....

Pauline Tuna

Il KELMA EZATTA HIJA - DIRRETUR GENERALI jew AGENT DIRETUR ????.......twegibha konkreta ??


PT tihux ghalik avolja niftakruk naqra ta tifel imma madekx tista titkellem ghaz zghijr ghax mohhok qed jigi ivellenat mil kbarat. qabel mas sajjieda jinaqdu u jiffurmaw kuprattiva tas sajjieda u veru ghas sajjieda qatt mu se titranga is sitwazzjoni la ghas sajjieda u laqas ghal min imuwr iqatta siegha fuqu.


Quote from: frabel
Joe please indicate whether you have any objections to me printing a copy for the above mentioned reasons, so that I shall delete the soft copy if you have any objections.

Given that this is a forum open to all and all posts are search engine indexed, I have no objection to Frank nor any other person downloading or printing this topic.



Quote from: Pauline Tuna on November 22, 2012, 21:28:14 CET
Il KELMA EZATTA HIJA - DIRRETUR GENERALI jew AGENT DIRETUR ????.......twegibha konkreta ??

Minn ghandi tridha it-twegiba?...nahseb taf sew int! 
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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I am under the impression,{actually i have no daubts},that gogo and frabel are ignoring me completely.It is
very evident that this was agreed between them,or,it must be the coincidence of the century.
Mind you,not that i'm bothered or worried,but was wondering why. Could it be that i am with all my might,calling for these meetings to stop? Any guesses?


Dear Caldaland or Max,
This is your second same post. Just go on page  7 mid-page you will find your answer.
Your repeat opinion in most posts is to stop discussions. Fine everybody has the right of an opinion. What made me refrain from answering most of your posts is when you quote " in that case they  were lying"  " now how can we trust them". That is not the way to address officials doing their job. There are ways and ways how to show your disapproval. This an open discussion on internet calling names and rude words does no honour to the people posting here including me.
Also your club will hold the AGM within few weeks. Hope we can confront our different opinions supported by factual arguments in a polite manner. I am always open to suggestions and facts which I may not be aware of provided who provides such issues takes personal responsability.

Hope that this satisfies your post "I am under the impression,{actually i have no daubts},that gogo and frabel are ignoring me completely"

See you

Joe (gogo)