jigging u spinning

Started by ronaldosajdbis, December 18, 2013, 10:26:09 CET

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L-ahwa, jekk joghgobkom jista' xi hadd jispjegali d-differenza bejn qasba ghall-jigging u ohra ghall-ispinning. Minn fuq l-art tista' tipprattika l-jigging? Ghax fuq l-internet qrajt li dan jista' jsir biss minn fuq dghajsa, jigifieri vertikalment. Fil-jigging tkun trid reel apposta? Nifhem li meta tiggiggja l-iskoss ikun qieghed jiehdu r-reel, le? Jew forsi d-differenza tkun filli jkollok qasba li tkun tiflah metalla tqila u tispinnja (mhux tiggiggja) biha, dejjem minn fuq l-art? Gieli rajt min ikun bhal jiggiggja mill-art u bis-sahha. Nistenna minghandkom bil-herqa.


Vertical jigging can only be practiced from the boat. From the shore you have to practice Shore jigging. Two different techniques which require different setups. Both however require high quality (therefore expensive) gear. As a general rule for vertical jigging you need a low speed reel combined to a short (1.5meter) one piece rod. For shore jigging you need a high speed reel and a longer (3meter average) rod.   
Jig Harder --->


ok, imma r-reel ikun maghmul ghall-iskossi li trid taghti, hux? Ghax id-daqqiet hu jehodhom, le? Darba ltqajt ma' wiehed jispinnja imma gie ttantat jiggiggja ghalkemm qalli li 'ma tantx qed naghmillu tajjeb ir-reel ghax id-daqqiet inhosshom f'qalbi'.


To jig you need a high quality salt water reel. Saltwater reels are intended to be used in saltwater and are much more heavy duty than fresh water reels (which are usually just saltwater approved). The kings for saltwater jigging are the Shimano Stella SW and the Daiwa Saltiga. These two reels cost a lot of money but there is a perfect reason why !

If you do not use a high quality reel you will start hearing grinding noises in no time!
Jig Harder --->


Grazzi tal-informazzjoni, habib u l-festi t-tajba lilek u lil familtek.