Antifouling on props

Started by bigboy, June 30, 2014, 15:55:42 CET

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My friends,

do you usually antifoul your props when leaving the boat at sea ? i have been coating them with grease for the past 5 years but this year its terrible. Boat has been in the sea for around 1 month and a half and yesterday the props were completely full of barnacles.

If you use any antifouling on them what do you find good ?

I'm considering of removing them and painting


Kane, jin uzajt antifouling steel primer u steel antifouling dis sena - pero qed nipprova - last year kelli naqa silverina li juzawa bhala undercoar ghal carriges ta l ajruplani u hadmet tajjeb hafna imma dis sena ma rnexxilix ngib ftit minna.

naf min jibqa ghaddej bl antifouling normali big u jahdem xorta fuq kajjik - m emmx mixi esagerat allura mhux li jaffettwa x antifouling tuza (mhux bhal plaining hull)

Pero naf min hadem kif hdimt dis sena u hadem.
Good season so far.....


x uzajt bhala steel antifouling u primer ?


Quote from: bigboy on July 01, 2014, 14:03:35 CET
x uzajt bhala steel antifouling u primer ?

Niccekjalek rrid ghax ma nafx bl amment. Trid timmatja l metal qabel tisbghu, inkella ma jaqbadx. Xtrajt kollox minghand Camilleri Marine jin, imma cert li hawn ghazla kbira fis suq. Total nfaqt xi €35 euro u fadalli al 2 ohra zgur
Good season so far.....


issa mmur sandu mela ta ha nfittex namilom


@ Granitu.  Din iried naghmila jien ukoll imma fuq il-bracket tal-mutur ghax ftemp ta xghar intella kocli u haxiex!  Speed mandiex tkun problema hemm ghax milquh mic-cappa!
Im a newbie so be patient and teach me the way!


Good season so far.....