Boat trailer repair or new one?

Started by markmalta, June 06, 2015, 19:03:09 CET

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Guys, I have a small boat from Paul's garage. The trailer which I bought with the boat needs some repairs, such as paint stripping, replacement of rollers, winch. Also, from what I can understand, the whole axle is filled with oil, and there is a very small leak. I guess due to the fact of the oil, this trailer won't be able to be galvanized right? I was thinking if it was worth the repairs or ask someone locally to make me a new one. Any idea how much that would cost me? The suspensions are not that new, but still in decent condition. Thanks!!  ;D
"Lady Ana" Buccaneer 120 powered by 4 stroke 8hp Selva


Iccekja kemm jigi biex idduwru, ax illum hawn dawn ta barra ma jiswewx hafna flus. X hin taqbad idduwru bis sewwa, lesti il flus x tonfoqlu u dejjem tibqa b karru antik


Grazzi Emic, jaqblu ma frejgatina pero ta barra? Taf xi kemm jiswew u minn fej nista narhom? Jien forsi ghax xitwa li gejja.. issa naraw :) grazzi!
"Lady Ana" Buccaneer 120 powered by 4 stroke 8hp Selva


mur ghand pawlu PTR ir rabat..... 1100 tohrog wiehed gdid u jekk tirranga tieghek tonfoqlu daqshekk xorta man.... u suspension frieghi mhux tal lasku..... darba ghal dejjem.... u rollers tal genn......................
Hemm xi hadd it tela ta alla u ommu, int u niezel burmarrad ukoll jghidu li ghandu karrijiet tajbin...
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


ma nafx jekk il frejgatina tiek ghandiex il prim oli. jien l ahhar li badt wiehed al karru, mar and wiehed il mosta, int u diehel min fuq il pont. Jgib id dingies ukoll. al bucaneer ta 13, shiehbi nafaq 750-800e. bellezza fit triq u jigbeda b karozza zejra bla problemi


Grazzi mate! Issa meta jasal il waqt intih titwila u nara xjoffri! |B'dak il prezz ma nahsibx worth it li insewwi tieghi, meta jista jkolli wiehed gdid! Grazzi al darb'ohra! l gurnata t-tajba man!
"Lady Ana" Buccaneer 120 powered by 4 stroke 8hp Selva