ı need help (jigging)

Started by akin, July 23, 2013, 19:48:25 CET

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I cant speak engilish very well
I want to do vertical jigging but I do not know where to rent a boat :( I have the materials okuma cedros cj-s-601m 30-65 lbs,okuma cedros 65 and jiggin rapala :)


I do not want to tell me you know the points will keep the fish in the boat renting
Does not anyone going to help?? :(


A woman who has never seen her husband fishing, doesn't know what a patient man she married !

There is no such thing as too much equipment.


Personally, I've always found prices very high, but then again, I only peeked at the prices on the sliema strand... can't help, sorry.


Yep, fuel is expensive so prices are high and with an overfished sea one has to be more creative and venture further out or stay longer. In commercial terms that all means needing more money to cover your costs :(