Alien Species in Malta?

Started by Arti2, April 28, 2008, 08:27:44 CET

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bully mela ghall parties nibdew niklu xilpa imbad nifqaw dancefloor :D
Albatross 380 powered by 9.9 mercury and 3.5 tohatsu.

Wife : "you shall never fish again"
Husband : "find a lawyer"


l lostra bikri kif fqajtni man dik tigik rhisa iktar!


Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Illum mort noghdds ftit imma l-bahar kien mifquh bil-bram komuni! Ma nistagibx li jidhlu l-portugizi ukoll.
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bis sens hahaj isma zommuwa fil maluq din ax nibdew naraw ix xileb for sale b xi ?20 il kilo hahaj


QuoteVera jew din tax xilpa?

le le veru dik markcam. haddiela jghidula bil malti l hallucinations li ttik.

mxlokk ibihuwha..... u n nies taz zejtun ihobbu isajruwha ix xilpa...x kumbinazzjoni ;D ;D ;D
Good season so far.....


 :D :D ;D hahaha Din il gimgha naqbad wahda u inbelaha lin nanna ha nara naqa x'jigri.   :P


mux xi nanny at the disco tista taghmel. bil flixkun ta l ilma u c chewing gum ha  8) 8) ;D
Good season so far.....


mux ta bxejn in nannu dejjem jejdli biex jekk nara wahda naqbadilhu!!!! mur obsor alih
Listen, I like female form in minimum dress Money to spend with a capital "S" Get a date with the woman in red Wanna be in heaven with three in a bed !!!


markcam, dawk mux affarijiet man...... (umbad ajdli xgara man haha!!)


tajba guys fakkartuni fil-kunjata.................
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Quote from: charlie on May 17, 2009, 17:10:22 CET
Quote from: Arti2 on April 28, 2008, 11:41:39 CET
Similar to the Marbled Spinefoot there is the Dusky Spinefoot Siganus luridus. No Maltese name for this fish yet.

Two summers ago I had seen plenty of this fish at Wied Znuber they were in shoals(kienu f'qatghat)

My friend Vanni caught one of these, nice sized too. Location was Delli area. He told me that it tastes good. Honestly I wouldn't dare cooking it. It's texture is hard as crocodile skin  ;D
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tajba tax-xilep  ;D ........ li kont naf qabel jahasra x'ikla xilep kont niekol qabel Underworld  ;D
If you ain't living on the edge, your taking too much bloody space

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humbghad kont tghamel meditation. ;D ;D ;D