Site Guidelines and Rules

Started by skip, April 21, 2006, 17:12:56 CET

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We intend to keep a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, however as ever in life there is the need for rules and guidelines.

1. Please try and post in English, whilst this site concentrates on fishing in Malta, we would like to encourage and attract an international audience, otherwise contributors from outside Malta will not be able to give advice.

You agree that if a topic is started in English all replies will continue in English, replies in Maltese will be translated to English with the Maltese left there. If a topic is started in Maltese, replies will continue in Maltese with any English replies translated and left there.

2.  The site admin will take the final decision on any matters and that decision is final.

3. Please respect our professional advisors, they have many years of expertise in their field and we are lucky to have them. They can be identified by their unique ratings Fishing/Boating Industry or via their username.

4. Do not create the same topic in more than one board/section. (Doing so is called cross-posting). You should pick the single most appropriate board/section for your message. Duplicate posts will be deleted. If you are not sure or if you can't delete a cross-post please contact a moderator.

5. Try to avoid registering more than once, if you do so by mistake please get in touch with the site admin.

6. Advertising other sites, websites or advertising good/services in general is NOT allowed without the express permission of the forum administrator. Your posts will be deleted and your account removed if you do so.

We find that the vast majority of forum members have no problem with the above guidelines. However, if any of them are abused repeatedly, then moderators will take appropriate action to ensure the forums remain a pleasant place to visit.

If any forum member feels the moderators have abused their position by deleting their post etc, then they should send a private message to the site admin Skip with the full details of the complaint.