Fishing for lampuki

Started by benri, July 08, 2009, 19:13:05 CET

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It does sound a complete waste, but here in the UK when quota is reached ALL "bycatch" is to be returned to the water dead or alive, makes no sense I know but they say that it deters fishermen from targetting "bycatch" on purpose!


I asked an mfa fisherman and he told me that even them cant keep tuna as by-catch. you have to throw it back even if it is dead. VIVA l EWROPA


you are wrong bus ;) It was the first thing i asked frans this year before we started working for swordfish. Tuna can be kept as a by catch if larger than 30kg


now you said it bigboy when you told him before the season started. the rules change whenever they want bigboy. it used to be like that now you cant keep it anymore. i am sure about it chalie caught one this week and had to throw i back. and so it has to be really true if chalie threw it back. better not risk it if they catch you they will make a show.


better to check with the right authorities bigboy i hate to know that some A_ _ Hole make a show with u..............


Quote from: bigboy on July 17, 2009, 19:46:29 CET
you are wrong bus ;) It was the first thing i asked frans this year before we started working for swordfish. Tuna can be kept as a by catch if larger than 30kg

Tuna as a by-catch is set by the EU and only a certain number of community vessels are authorised to do this and even then it must come out of the countries quota which in the case of Malta has been FULLY used up. So I very much doubt your friend should have kept his tuna, but I suggest he contacts fisheries to clarify.

The begining of the year and after the season closed are very different...and the fine is ?3800 confirmed today at our meeting with Dr. Gruppetta.


Will check back on this tomorrow morning as i have to be at the market at 3am. Although what puzzles me is that i know of about 10 boats who have taken tuna down to the fishmarket after the season has closed. Apart from that often do i see tuna in the coldstore when we go to unload our catch. Last monday we were at rita fish shop in marsaxlokk to get the bait and they too had 3 fresh 70kg + tunas in their cold room.

Guys if i was wrong about what i am saying i wouldnt have opened my mouth but i am telling you the facts as they are. I think that if it was illegal then i wouldnt see tuna at the coldstore of the pixkerija.

Btw some one week after the season was closed 2 fisheries officials came abord the boat to check that we do not have any fishing gear for tuna and asked what will happen if we hook onto a tuna. His reply was that it can be kept.

U Gruppetta fxi moza jifhem mhux fis sajd !!!!!

DR Gruppetta should first answer to the local fisherman to the question of why was half of the maltese quota sold to foreigners !!!!!

Wake up guys and look at the facts


bigboy maybe you are right. 2 weeks ago my friend also saw 3 tuna at the pixkerija. mela you don t know that malta is pajjiz tal-mickey mouse


uhhhhh 100% bus!!!!

Erga saqsi lil basikku u ejdlu jicekja sew bus ;) Ejdlu jiccekja ma chris tal luzzu, frankie (tal banjamin) u Junos tal luzzu ax kollha qabdu dis sena dawk.


Spoke with an other official from fisheries early this morning and he said the same!! Tuna caught while fishing for swordfish can be taken down at the fish market and will be accepted as a by catch.