Anyone got any idea on how to catch Xilep??

Started by fava, May 16, 2008, 16:56:23 CET

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thnks skip.... so braid does not stretch, therefore it is snaps faster than the mono.
so is it recommended to use for xilep??
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.  Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Men and fish are alike.  They both get into trouble when they open their mouths

Albatross 390 powered by Suzuki 15Hp


It means that 20lbs braid will break at around 20lbs whereas most 20lbs mono will break at say 30lbs as the have some stetch before it breaks.


i use braids for a simple reason with xilep, cause i use the technique called "pesca a tocco".
I don't want stretch and just wan t pull the fish out of the water immediately. Else you will only catch one out of a shoal of maybe 100!! Also braids can go lower in diameters and superlines even more. a superline normally has a 0.057 diameter with breaking strain of 7kgs.

It is the basic technique used for kahli and as known, it may be used for xilep too. you might get lucky and catch kahli with xilep if you fish with bread. But xilep tends to prefer sellieha at times but in good weather anything is good to eat for them
Good season so far.....


Just to clarify for all Braid/Superline/Superfilament/Spectra are all the same thing! by manufacturers such as Spiderwire, Berkley, Power pro, Spiderwire Fusion, Berkley Whiplash etc


essentiallly yes but they are quite different in  detail. superlines tend to have coated fibre on them that hides the braid. spectra on the other hand is more the braid type. Majorl i use spider wire, it is good enough but the old fireline (the smokey) gave me some really good results
Good season so far.....


As the above ppl have already said, best bait is sellieha. Also at least from Mscala I used to catch it with hniex tal-korea during nights and using a very thin line (0.12 / 0.14mm). The most important thing in my opinion for them is to have a lot of patience ghax ikollok hafna qtuh. Goodluck man.


i used to go there. tafu lil dak ta xaghru bajda jistad ghal mulett u ghax xilep??? ok hafna qisu gesu ;D ;D ;D
Good season so far.....


Quotei use braids for a simple reason with xilep, cause i use the technique called "pesca a tocco".
I don't want stretch and just wan t pull the fish out of the water immediately.
That's basically how i always fished for them,what i used to do was take the first 2 sections out of an old 9m rod and tie off on the end so as to eliminate all the stretch out of the rod and just yank them straight out of the water,only difference was i used to use mono as oppose to braid i don't know whether there would be too much of a difference...put it this way it used to work very well. ;)
Also no offence intended,but there is no need to use a very thin line such as 0.12mm/0.14mm especially at night for xilep or mullett.
I used to fish for them with 0.25mm float rig (Main & hook line all .25mm) at night & caught some BIG ones at tax-xbiex (mullett) also used to go for KAHLI there at night with same size line on a surface rig using a peice of floating bread (rod & reel) cast out into the middle (approx) of tax-xbiex harbour..and caught more than my fair share.
Quotei used to go there. tafu lil dak ta xaghru bajda jistad ghal mulett u ghax xilep??? ok hafna qisu gesu   
I think i know this guy too he also used to fish at tax-xbiex alot his name is censu if its the same guy....


QuoteNICE ARTICLE, WE CAN SELL THEM NEAR THE DETOX CENTRE MELA THESE FISH LOL. i rekon once i caught a big xilpa from sant iermu and it was full of human hair and pieces of basal, wonder how this has a hallegoneicv tendency, with all that eats.
It just goes to show how even a reputable magazine can blow things all out of proportion! LOL!
even though it does say in the article that not everyone "suffers" these effects (alla hares!) and that xilpa is "a popular food fish"  ::) ???
Curiously there is an old guy from bahrija in his 70's i know who is practically a cat and will eat ANY fish but never ate xilep cos he says the few occasions he ate them it gave him "heddiela" very vivid nightmares which you cannot wake up from with profous sweating etc


ohh martin, so you used to use the thick sections of the 9m rod?
so that the xilep will not be on a flexible rod end?; and on a stiff line (to reduce the plastic elongation)!

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.  Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Men and fish are alike.  They both get into trouble when they open their mouths

Albatross 390 powered by Suzuki 15Hp


Yes as the way i used to fish for them was after a storm when the water will be murky (not clear) and like the gaffer said first you groundbait the "lokk" up well and i used the stiff rod sections to make it easier to pull the fish (bodily) straight out and reduce the chance of too many escaping anf 'ruining' the spot.


what is the "lokk" guys? a place?

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.  Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Men and fish are alike.  They both get into trouble when they open their mouths

Albatross 390 powered by Suzuki 15Hp


"il lokk" is just an expression..a place where certain types of fish are rumoured ,or more often than not known to gather.. e.g :"hemm ghandi lokk tajjeb ghall kahli..."


ok then...for xilep, how could i ground bait the lokk?  :)

bread crumbs are good? or should i use some other type of bait??
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.  Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

Men and fish are alike.  They both get into trouble when they open their mouths

Albatross 390 powered by Suzuki 15Hp


You can use bread crumbs for groundbait or maybe if you have some a bit of 'gobon tas sajd' (a concotion of cheese left to ferment for a long time in a glass jar..stinks something awful but it can be very good) or even like the gaffer said for xilep scraping a bit of seaweed of the rocks can work well too.