Forum BBQ / Season Get Together 18th June - Come on let's meet up!

Started by EmicMalta, June 02, 2008, 11:07:41 CET

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Preferred Date for the BBQ

Wednesday 18th June
6 (28.6%)
Thursday 19th June
5 (23.8%)
no difference
10 (47.6%)

Total Members Voted: 21

Voting closed: June 11, 2008, 12:31:41 CET


if you have logs will help bagira. I would have bring wood but as I said im too busy at the moment. That will help me a  lot, and for the bbq don t worry.............. Its a geaser  8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)


skip, The_gaffer, Visa, Emicmalta, shanook, ramio, buzumark, seahunter, Benri, Jonathan, Buddhagrass, Italian, baghira, kris, fishfinder, pauline tuna, Simon G, kalnc2, Kayak Mike,jon 109, Ivan

21 and counting.......



Emic is taking care of drinks and the BBQ sets: THATS DONE
The_gaffer is bringing the generator: THATS DONE
Baghira is bringing the logs for BBQ: THATS DONE
Ramio is bringing the tables(pending confirmation): THATS DONE
Buddhagrass is taking care of food and this is where the problem is. Not because of Buddhagrass as he is doing a fine job but if those who are coming dont speak out their choice then we are stuck. Buddhagrass was clear and posted what he is going to order. SO THOSE WHO ARE ORDERING FROM BUDDHAGRASS please post their choice (not what to eat but whether they bring their own food or not). 



those coming need to bring their plates, cuttlery and chair. Any additional gas lamps are appreciated.


I am coming and wish that BUDDHAGRASS  order also for me


Regarding 'guys only' or 'accompanied' I suggest we leave it open, I know of many girlfriends and wives who are more into fishing than most fisherman i know. So feel free to either come alone or with ur loved ones. Please dont forget that if u are coming with partner to advice Buddhagrass if u are ordering from him. Also ramio needs to know to adjust for tables.
dont forget tonight is last chance post ur decisions.
Regarding the emails reply here and directly to buddhagrass


Ok then ...... tonight I'll check the forum to confirm the amount of people coming and i'll order the following :

1 steak per head
1 chicken piece per head
1 maltese sausage per head
Franfurters and Pork Sausages

and yes ...... bbq at emicmalta was great. X'naqa fenek dak e ... spicajt lanqas mort xoghol l-ghada ghax lanqas flaht inqum biz-zaqq fniek li kelli  ;D.

If possible try to confirm amount of people coming by 3.45pm so after work i'll go to the butcher to order food.
If you ain't living on the edge, your taking too much bloody space

Visit my Photo Sets @


The issue of wives/partners/Girlfriends has been settled!!!

All are invited to attend this BBQ, as happened in previous events organised by this forum.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Following a consultation with the meat buyer ; are all requested to indicate whether or not you shall be accompanied by your wife/partner/gf strictly by 8.00pm tonight. 
After that deadline, anybody who fials to indicate whether he will be accompanied or not will have to bring their own food.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Shanook, please note.....
I will be accompanied by my wife Alexia!!
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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for clarifications sake, I will bring the Honda Genset, and the fuel.  I have no lights, but I read in previous posts that someone is bring the lights. 
I will also be accompanied by my wife Alexia.
Remember tonights 8.00pm deadline to say whether or not you'll bring along your companion.  It is very important to know the exact amount to order the right quantity of food, drinks ect.
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
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Shanook, I will be coming (alone) but unfortunately will have to get my own food...
I'd rather be fishing.....


The thing to get the no is simple. Not only for food and drinks. If we will be in +- 20, 2 bbqs are enough but if will me much more pls need another bbq. and chip pens.

This is a BBQ that we are doing without interests so pls lets help each other with this issue. Don t wish of bringing logs, bbq and staff and then we see that need more. Just a confirmation is enough.

For me and ivan we will eat from buddhagrass and will be without partners


Just got a call saying about food we will be cooking. The no is increased a lot and we came with an idea of doing burgers, sausages, and chips. Also if there will be some one that wants steak just think for his own. To cook 20 chicken, and 20 steak its a bit hard to make them all well done. Sure we will be over 20 so the no will increase the cooking work.

I will make salad for everyone too. What you think?