Forum BBQ / Season Get Together 18th June - Come on let's meet up!

Started by EmicMalta, June 02, 2008, 11:07:41 CET

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Preferred Date for the BBQ

Wednesday 18th June
6 (28.6%)
Thursday 19th June
5 (23.8%)
no difference
10 (47.6%)

Total Members Voted: 21

Voting closed: June 11, 2008, 12:31:41 CET


Yes probably. that explains the spelling mistakes!

how are you visa? Ithink you'll be using the motor level indicator only in port for another week!!
Can't wait to go fishing


hey guys!

join me in if it is alright for all of you :P

15ft Marino Atom 450 Powered by Tohatsu 30hp 4-stroke Fuel Injection

28ft Luzzu Powered by Twin 45 Hp Perkins


Isa hey x'bbq ha ikollna  :) ...... meta niddecidu il-post u kemm ha inkunu nies nista nofflilkom li hemm butcher hdejja vera tajjeb u nistaw nordnaw kollox min ghandu marinat u lest tipo steaks, ribs u anke xi kebabs jekk iridu umbaghad naqbdu u naqsmu kollox. Bhala post jekk tridu x'imkin hassle free nahseb Ta Fra Ben mhux idea hazina ghax anke parking tajjeb hemm. Insomma, up to you guys  ;)
If you ain't living on the edge, your taking too much bloody space

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skip, The_gaffer, Visa, Emicmalta, shanook,ramio, buzumark, seahunter, Benri, Jonathan, Buddhagrass, suffrun, Italian, baghira, kris,

15 and counting............


how is it that 21 have voted for the BBQ and yet i am on a count of 15?!?!
there is something thats not matching or is it me???


You're not sitting on your foot or somthing shanook?
We told you to use calculator!!
Can't wait to go fishing


I think we had better anounce date chosen, and ask those attending to confirm, no point in having too much food going to if!!
Can't wait to go fishing


I think you better do as ramio said. Announce the date and then ask those whom will be attending to confirm.
Ear Pain aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


You can def only vote once, so either a few ppl have 2 accounts in here or have voted but not said they are coming!


ohh sorry .... I have voted and I am willing to come but not sure on the date! I voted for the 19th as on that day I can come for sure! but on the 18th I am invited to another bbq!! sorry for not posting my interest....


Why do fish make men go crazy?


OK Guys...I think we have a decision.  the date is Wednesday 18 June...
Now just decide on a place.  lets just agree on a place and get this show going. 
Beneteau Antares 9.80 - Powered by twin Volvo Penta D4 225HP
       /___ \
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Hello Guys,

has any one decided where this BBQ will be held cause I'm trying to come to make some new friends but it depends the location cause the day after I must start work early and I often sleep while i'm driving back home ;D
Kaptan Leisure with Suzuki DF115 4 stroke


I vote for Ta Fra Ben ...... reasons are :

1) Good Parking Area
2) Good flat area for the BBQ & us
3) If food won't be good there is take away & restuarant in vicinity  :)

If you ain't living on the edge, your taking too much bloody space

Visit my Photo Sets @


yep good enough for me fra ben any other suggestions....


Hi Guys anywhere is good for me as long as we don't have to carry stuff for long distances. Regarding tables I can borroow some folding ones for work if they are not being used. If we need please let me know and I'll check for the 18't if they will be available. Chairs will be a bit difficult to borrow for me.

Can't wait to go fishing