Tips on sawrell

Started by Freeman, June 09, 2008, 09:20:10 CET

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np siehbi  ;D good luck u tight lines


bl /

bl spinner tmissek man ukoll ax is sena l ohra tatni pacir inzurtajta tlet darbiet u kull darba qbatila 4 kull wahda 2kg jew iktar



u l-ahjar hin li tistad ghalija matul il-gurnata pls?




jien fil ghodu qbathom, imma tinduna li jridu ax tahrom gejjin waraja



At Ta' Xbiex, in the evenings, sawrell seems to bite only during a particular hour (say 7 to 8pm) and then 'disappears'. Any idea where it continues biting up to say 10 or 11pm. Maybe pixkerija, Valletta? Any advantage in groundbaiting with minced fresh fish like sardines or lacci? Thanks


I think i need some tips (maybe a homemade explosive device LOL) on these buggers cos they drove us crazy today follwing and not biting  >:(


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!oMG @ Sawrell ee ... a whole day with sawrell chasing lures, running around and splashing/jumping out of the water...they follow your lure but just dont take it..
some are quite big even 3kg, do you think they will take some tumbrell??


Dont know....they certainly took the P** thats for sure LOL!!!


Sawrell are very cunning fish.  About 2 yrs ago i managed to hook a big one on a light tackle (0.18 line) and it gave me a real fight  for about 3/4 hrs!! As my friend was going to net it (it was exhausted) it gave a last jerk and managed to straighten a stainless steal hook and I lost it in the last moment.  It was caught on a piece of cheddar!   


Cheddar is good for alot of fish esp. @ this time of year  ;) Today there was alot of bait fish on the surface and they just weren't interested in anything else...


Hi martin,

For type of fish is cheddar good please? lately i have been seeing increased surface disturbances, and yesterday there was a spnotta i think and it terrorised the water, obviously, it want interested in different lures and even a popper.... it there a way to interest these bas*ards?

apart from hooking a live fish?


Hi fishnoob,

Cheddar cheese is good for all kinds of fish but in my experience its particularly good for bream's/sargi at this time of year with the increasing sea temp. as the cheddar will release alot of its natural oils even if you fish with it @ night  ;)! and you will avoid the unwanted morini/moray eels that you'll 99% get with hniex/king rag worms....not to mention the bustle of boats,swimmers etc you'll have during the day! 8)

Its very important to buy the proper cheddar cheese and not this pre-packed "vegetarian cheddar" which is in alot of supermarkets,which isn't the same and not very effective. (first of all its a very bright yellow in colour!  ::) cheddar is more pale yellow to off-white)

I haven't seen any spnott/sea bass @ the moment but in my usual spots its full of sawrell of very decent size but they are always running after the small bait fish on the surface and have very little interest in lures (as lapsiboy also confirmed).Ive never caught a spnotta on cheddar but they are well known for snapping up pretty much anything on the surface if it takes their fancy! i once caught a big one with a slice of pizza dough in its stomach!!! and ive heard few other people who also found them with strange things in their stomach so i guess you could always give the cheddar a go!
But personally i agree/go with what you said about hooking a live fish if there is that much surface activity  ;D
Good luck & tight lines



Np mate! hope you hook one of the buggers for me!  ;D