double registration S and MFC

Started by busumark, July 16, 2008, 20:33:38 CET

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Destination Sea

License is about LM 25  if i recall correctly. I do not know what they will say due to the arrears.

II with VHF MFC can go upto 12NM
Reg is Lm 200 (Euro 465 xi haga)
Marino Iside 500 - Etec 90
Buccaneer 130 - Mercury 20


moonwalker go down to fisheries next to the bicceria and ask for rita spiteri. If you have had the boat for the past 6 years then registration for mfc is free. Go there and they will tell you the procedure.


So they are giving MFC registrations to old boat owners ?? If it's like that I can get mine aswell I guess.
Let us know how it goes moonwalker.

Chris  8)


Ok will gve them a call first then try to find some time and pass over.
Petecraft 20 - twin Mariner 150HP EFI


i dont think that they are issuing mfc to S regsitered boats


Igifieri jekk qieghed nifhem sew jekk jien ghandi dghajsa t' inqas minn sitt metri nista' nhallas MFC biss? Grazzi Hbieb


So myself and The Gaffer have just come back from a meeting with Dr. Gruppetta and one of the things I asked concerned this whole registration issue.

Currently new MFC registrations are only being given out to new boats or new boats to the register (ie a boat that was registered in another country and is now registering locally after cancelling).

S registered boats can continue to fish with hand lines and rods....the reason why S boats cannot currently transfer over to MFC is due to some technicalities between the MMA and Fisheries. Namely that the annual fees for S boats was incorrectly listed during the last budget showing very high figures, prompting many to try and switch over to MFC as soon as possible. Therefore until these are sorted out, transfers have been placed on hold.

Vessels holding an S cannot double register with MFC.

Vessels less than 6m do NOT need to register with the MMA or pay any MMA fees if they are already MFC, they only pay fisheries.

Vessels over 6m must register S or Valletta and then apply for an MF registration, however note that MFC, MFB and MFA registrations are not currently being given out. And as mentioned MFC only to new boats.

You can continue fishing as you were without having to worry about being stopped etc.


Imma jekk fi zmien li kienu qed johorgu ta' l-mfc u xi nies marru jdawru minn S ghal MFC, xorta trid tibqa' thalasha l-S, avolja id-dghajsa izghar minn 6 metri? Grazzi


No, if you are MFC you don't pay the S as well.


Grazzi siehbi ghax ahna konna qlibna minn S ghal MFc xi tlett snin ilu u l-S ghadna nhalsuwha ukoll ma nafx x'inhi raguni.

Perla 165

dak sihbi ax malta bzonn il flus ( qas tamel sens... 2 licenzji al dajsa wahda lol)
Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!


aw hbieb tistaw tajduli b bdajsa registrata S ek nistax nistad perezemju biex imur naqra bil qazba al tal qih


Yes you can bottom fish and deep bottom fish up to 12nm from shore with an S registered boat.


Qalek li tista tistad ghal tal qih uanke fil fond izda sa 12il mil il barra.
Tista ukoll tistad bil konzijiet tal qih u bin nasses u bir rix izda mhux konzijiet tal wicc.
Ghal iktar informazjoni ara ir regulazjonijiet.

You can also fish with bottom longlines, traps and using lures. But not surface longlines.
For more information check the regulations.


jigiefiri, b'daghjsa S tista tuza konz tal pistin imma mhux tal lampuki!?

with S reg you can use bottom longline but not a surface longline for dolphin fish?
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work