Started by fishfinder, July 26, 2008, 20:25:46 CET

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Perla 165

 any translation in maltese pls?
Perla 165 with Toyota 2.2 Litre = 70 bhp.

Frejgatina 13' with acme petrol/pitrolju 10hp.

Ghazel u Huw, Igdem u kuwl !!


translation @ perla, hemm apparat li tilbsu fuqek qisu mobile phone u meta jigrilek xi hsara fid dajsa (teereq jew tkun qed tiddriftja) u ma tkunx tista tikkomunika ma hadd, taghfas il buttuna fuq dan l-apparat u jibat messag bis satelita. Dan il messag jindika li inti ghandek bzonn lajnuna u jibghat ukoll il pozizzjoni tiehgek biex isibuk malajr.
Jekk nordnaw 10 jigu 215 euro.


hi all

i am offering my knowledge to all interested to organize a speech about Epirbs & Sarrts;position reporting; dead reackoning; flares; sea anchors; liferafts; VHF's

we can also expand on Fire onboard or other marine related topics which may save your life,

contact Nick with any suggestions decide on a meeting place

this seminar will be Free of charge for all forum members Sponsored by Okuma


thanks norbert...... that wud be very interesting
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


Just as a background for those that don't know, Norbert is a licensed praciticing maritime full time Captain on commercial ships with countless years experience - so it would be fantastic to have such a briefing :)


Fishing,fishing ,fishing thats all i think about.


tks norbert, sounds interesting even for those that don't venture out far at sea..........like me!! ;)


mamma mia kif ma ghandnix hila naqqdu ghaxra minn nies fuq din?........milli jider ma tantx hawn minn intaqa ma bahar ikrar jew waqfitlu xi magna hemm barra...........
Ktibt bil Malti biex nitemu ahna biss

Spirit of Jason

Hi Skip
When I bought my VHF radio, for an extra few Euro I also got this, thing that looks like a small radar dish, which is now monted on the SOJ radar arm, this is in turn connected to my radio.
On the radio there is a spring loaded saftey flap, with a button underneath it, if I get into difficulty, I press this button and it sends out an automatic distress call and my location.
Is this similar to what this EPIRB ACR SATELLITE does. Or should I think of purchasing one.

Captain Gus


I'd rather be fishing.....


yep must be Benri, and a real bad one at that........but I keep hearing that everything is working fine and we are out of it ?!?!?!?!?! So probably we are NOT


SOJ the one that you have is good if the boat is still afloat. if it sinks its of no good. you carry the PLB on you so if the boat sinks or you are thrown overboard and no body notice immediatly you activate it.

250 euros is not a lot of money compared to your life or better still compared to that time spent in the water thinking if someone knows that you are stranded or if someone might pass and see you or if they know that you are stranded if they will find you in time before dying. ok you might say it wont happen to me or you never tought about it.

I experienced this situation and i can assure you its not very nice. if i had this PLB we would have been rescued in a short time (hopefully). I dont know why i did not buy one immediatly after that experience but now that i saw again this post i am not taking any chances with my life.

Spirit of Jason

Thanks for the info Busumark, if that is the case then I will buy one for sure.

Captain Gus


Spirit of Jason


Gus, basically you have a DSC VHF connected to your GPS. It will transmit your position to vessels/ground stations within range but on smaller boats without very long whip VHF antenna's range can be limited, mind you even on larger boats it all depends who is near you. then as Busu pointed out if you have to abandon ship this thing comes with you. Most of the smaller boats can't carry a dingy or liferaft so when you're floating in the water you want to minimise the time as much as possible to get rescued.

I've been 12 miles out and unable to radio Valletta Port or Malta VTS which made me feel uneasy especially with bad mobile coverage at that distance, so for less than the price of most mobiles this will be coming with me for peace of mind. Both the Simshar incident but more importantly Busumark's incident really raised the awareness level.

If together we're able to get the price down a bit, it's a nice help.