any tips for catching diplodus sargus?

Started by sargu xih, July 29, 2008, 14:34:21 CET

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Kevin G

camkev andek ragun tal-klamari li jibqaw mas-sunnara, jien gieli grali hekk specjalment meta nkunu qed naqbdu is-surran, imma inutajt li qat ma qbadt fuq klamar li ga kont qbadt fuqu.
Tejd ghax kont qbadt ga fuqu jew ax ma ikunx irid imiss fuqu?
The Sea Sweeper :D


Meta tibqa il klamar mas sunnara generalment dejjem nibqa naqbad.. Gieli hallejt bicca mizera ghall kurzita u xorta naqbad.. La jkun irid siehbi... ;)
A woman who has never seen her husband fishing, doesn't know what a patient man she married !

There is no such thing as too much equipment.

Kevin G

heh ok man mela forsi ma jahmilnix u ma jkunx irid jitla jejd hello, memx xtamel!! lool
The Sea Sweeper :D

Ganni 1

what is paternoster  technique please

Carmelo ....there is not a real need of swivel,beads and line crimps (like in the image ) if u know how to make a proper knot on the main line


It also pays to make the snoods moveable, for instance by wrapping several winds of fine copper wire around the main line above & below the "stop" beads shown in the diagram (instead of crimps), that way you can deepen or shallow the depth that you are fishing at.
For example in the UK when the tide is running hard the bream feed tight to the bottom, when the tide run eases they come off the bottom to feed higher in the water, sometimes when there is very little tide run they will be 12-20ft up from the bottom. With fixed paternosters you have to guess where they are by winding the line up, with moveable snoods you merely slide the snood up to the depth you want ;) It is also thought that the addition of a little blood red transparent bead directly above the eye of the hook attacts them even more, so I always have one above my hooks when fishing for bream ;)

Kevin G

Ghandi mistoqsija fuq konz tas-sargu. Dak kif lahjar tamel il medda tal-kurlin (habel kanela) u brazoli xlief jew kollu xlief u xi hxuna?

The Sea Sweeper :D


kieku int kont sargu, liema tahseb l aktar li ser jikxfu is sajjied?
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work

Kevin G

The Sea Sweeper :D




Trid tara jekk tarahx bilejl...jien bil kurlin armat u qbat sargi ima jista jati il kas li jekk tarmah tal harira andek naqra zajra iktar cans imma tajjeb bil kurlin u bsahtu ma jinqatax uanke biex tigbed xhin tehel ma jaqtalekx idek


trid tara ukoll fejn ha tkala...... jekk hemmx fond! jekk hemmx dlam jew dawl mil l art.... etc...... jekk tkala taht xi irdum bil lejl..... tista tarma bil korlin......... jekk ha tkala ma xi xatt imdawwal f'xi 10-20 metru fond.... ahjar xlief.......
Scorpion 14.5 feet, Suzuki 60hp & Suzuki 6hp Aux.

Authorised & Licenced Fish Population Controller

Born to Fish, Forced to Work


Mil lirdum bilejl tkala konz as sargi? Ma nafx  qatt ma provajt...Jien li nista nejdilkom li min fuq  bajja qbat is sargi bkonz tal kurlin gifieri li kiku kellu jikxifni zgur kien jikxef imma xorta wehel il hut

Kevin G

 jin smajt zewg verzjonijiet li bkurlin qabduh sargu u anke bix xlief kulhadd bil gosti tijaw hux.

The Sea Sweeper :D


Jien ghalijja dejjem bil harira armajt

kif jaf Robby ;) u sargi dejjem qbadt b ammonti sbih