forum language used

Started by redbus9, August 20, 2008, 01:24:58 CET

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I surely agree with you placebo and ramio. Sometimes on finds it a bit hard to go into certain detail in english so we use maltese. For myself i prefer expressing myself in malrese rather than english because i know much more technical words and details in maltese.


Well now is the chance, to explain what Hniex tal-imperjal are? (I think they must be large prawns)? & also palella? just so I dont put the wrong bait on my hooks. Can I get this bait in Marsascala? is there a tackle shop there that sells bait, or do I have to go down to the fish maket in Marsasloxx?


Just found out that Hniex tal-imperjal are worms I would assume that the "tal-imperjal" part means that they are similar to our "king" ragworm, we often put ours on newspaper if they haven't been used, then sprinkle them with sea salt, & leave them for 24hrs to leak out the fluids, they are ok to freeze then, they are ok to "bulk up" fresh bait at a later date, but not much good on their own. ;)


the only point I could make is that, though I am 100% in favour of having both languages on the site, a link to a translation program somewhere on the page, however innacurate they can be, would be helpful for people to get a gist of what's going on.  If it's relevant they can then ask for more help/info.


what i think is that if there is a question asked in english one should reply in english and if someone asks in maltese one should reply in maltese. for example i am maltese and i don't know what the fishing gears are called therefor unfortunatly i have to speak in maltese. Other things are like example i only know maltese fish names and not other languages.


naqbel perfettament ma dak li qal perla. Din il-website titkelem fuq is-sajd f' malta u f' zona maltija. Jien bil-Malti nikteb u ma tantx naf bl-ingliz u ma nafx xinuma l-afarijit bl-ingliz bhal konts,brazzol,fera u hafna kliem ohra uzati mill maltin u neqlibom bl-ingliz.>>> I am sorry to all english people but they should try to learn Maltese :/


hi maxxat75 after only 2 posts in the forum i dont think you are really qualified to say how the forum is run and what language is used
If you can't eat it don't kill it.


At this stage there will be no creation of separate Maltese only boards, and just to remind everyone regardless of what country we're in, the name of the forum etc, all decisions made by the forum moderators are final. Whilst it's important to get a general feeling of what people would like, how this website will proceed, what it will include and how it's moderated is decided by the forum creator and moderators.

Considering the number of people who visit this site, 6000 per month and the 510 registered members, only a small fraction actually participate and contribute and therefore preference will be given to the viewpoints expressed by those people who are active contributors.

There is currently a poll running for Premium members only to gauge their opinion on this topic and due consideration is being given to their viewpoints. If in time the number of premium members becomes very significant, then most likely the majority of such decisions will be made based on their feedback.

I am pleased to see that certain people who weren't posting before, are now posting and it seems they have done so in response to posts in Maltese, feeling more comfortable to express themselves in Maltese which as least is positive in terms of their contribution.

As I've mentioned before English is preferred simply because it allows for a much greater worldwide audience; the forum acts as a good marketing tool for people interested in coming on holiday to Malta whilst still enjoying their hobby, fishing/spearfishing. Over 50% of the monthly forum traffic generated comes from outside of Malta!

Forum Administrator


Very well put Skip (clap) clear, concise, & to the point, (clap, clap) any chance of a trip on your boat? :D