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Description: rammx dan l-ajjur qalli li ried ritratt bhall tijak u ta emic u kelli nikuntentah
Picture Stats: Views: 1511 Filesize: 58.66kB Height: 768 Width: 1024 Posted by: BIKRI at November 07, 2008, 17:02:08 CET Image Linking Codes
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BIKRI Posts:59 | November 10, 2008, 14:21:56 CET Malta qieghed dak il post |
MartinB Posts:665 | November 08, 2008, 20:16:25 CET Prosit siehbi issni nafu dak il post hmmm |
EmicMalta Posts:1296 | November 08, 2008, 09:37:34 CET prepara sew ax sibt pett imli kien b kull sargu u gribel ta vera. Ftit alf u nohorguwom fuq barra Blhaqq, bil bugett il gdied ahjar nzijdlek naqa il prezza ax hekk giebna jkollna namlu |
rammx Posts:489 | November 08, 2008, 08:45:44 CET fadallek x titallem fishfinder ...idek trid itellahha iktar il fuq...u fuq kollox ma tridx la tidhaq u qas titbissem!!! nice one siehbi (ghadna ma mornix darba ) @emic jien qed ingemma al sajda ohra,nahseb daqt naqqadom il mitt ? issa meta tejdli immorru u ntuwom risposta l dawn lassassini |
EmicMalta Posts:1296 | November 08, 2008, 07:15:32 CET don t worry my friend, yesturday was diving in a new area and found it full of sea bream. Our next photos will be including double catches Nice 1 boss |
EmicMalta Posts:1296 | November 08, 2008, 07:15:32 CET don t worry my friend, yesturday was diving in a new area and found it full of sea bream. Our next photos will be including double catches Nice 1 boss |