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Description: Caught this little one on sunday (9.11.08) i would have liked to release him but he got hooked in the eye.I also missed a BIG take by something big in the pre-dawn dark on stripped off approx 50m of line like it wasn't even there!...and escaped :( Still better than no take at all..
Picture Stats:
Views: 1675
Filesize: 103.7kB
Height: 629 Width: 702
Keywords: Barracuda 
Posted by: MartinB at November 20, 2008, 00:47:43 CET

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Comments (2)

November 20, 2008, 19:38:22 CET
No don't get me wrong mate i enjoyed catching it! i appreciate all the fish i catch & especially on a day when the fish don't want to bite! but if circumstances would have allowed i would usually release a fish of this size (sub 1kg) but seen as one of the trebles was stuck in its eye socket,i doubt whether it would have lived so i put it out of its misery...(and had a fresh fish lunch  ;D)
Sent you a PM rammx
November 20, 2008, 08:12:55 CET
although for you it might be a little one...for me its a very good catch...
so welldone my friend...
i'm willing to do some spinning in gozo next week ;)

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