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Description: Maqbuda llum minn fuq l-art bil-kurpara tal-qarnit minn sehibna Karmenu Gafa.
Picture Stats: Views: 2805 Filesize: 33.04kB Height: 385 Width: 640 Keywords: Ribbonfish Posted by: Arti2 at April 08, 2009, 11:31:01 CET Image Linking Codes
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octo hunter Posts:27 | August 02, 2009, 16:41:27 CET I ve seen one some years ago. It was over a meter long. In the sea it is transparent in fact I thought I was seeing a piece of plastic then all of a sudden it became silvery with large black dots on its sides. A fisherman told me that usually it stays in waters more than 200m deep. |
Diplodus Sargus Posts:90 | April 09, 2009, 10:46:17 CET vera rari dik my friend u izomm fil fond hafna. Li nista nghidlek hi li tikber hafna iktar minn hekk ghax darba ircivejt email li nqabdet wahda daqsiex imma mhux hawn malta. Jekk jirnexxili nerga insib l email nimpustahhilkom fil forum u taraw! |
rixa444 Posts:32 | April 08, 2009, 22:40:40 CET thanks arti ax ma kontx naf x'huta hi dik.....darba sibt wahda...qisha bicc foil |
MartinB Posts:665 | April 08, 2009, 21:21:00 CET Same here ive only seen pictures of them.Prosit! |
baghira Posts:1821 | April 08, 2009, 11:49:26 CET Amazing. Saw pictures of this species but never encountered. |