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Picture Stats: Views: 1603 Filesize: 476.96kB Height: 660 Width: 800 Keywords: seabream amberjack Posted by: Buddhagrass at May 23, 2009, 14:57:32 CET Image Linking Codes
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Twister Posts:0 | May 25, 2009, 12:03:44 CET Haw Sur Budagrass biex taqbad il-hut tinqala imma biex tqabbel disastru!!!! |
Buddhagrass Posts:376 | May 24, 2009, 21:02:52 CET thx gganto |
ggantno1 Posts:239 | May 24, 2009, 14:38:14 CET proset nice catch |
Buddhagrass Posts:376 | May 24, 2009, 08:09:21 CET Thx Twist tal-poezija Kieku taf kemm hadt gost bija X'talent ghandek biex tohloq rima Ghax mhux kemm taqbad tghid taghmel poezija Ija siehbi ghamilna sajda, kieku taf il-gost li hadna Specjalment meta rajna l-qata accol Tlett metri l-boghod mil-harpoon taghna |
Granitu Posts:1511 | May 23, 2009, 22:56:12 CET well done well done halluli huta al meta ninzel ta! |
Twister Posts:0 | May 23, 2009, 21:03:41 CET Proset ! qed tinpruvja! Nahseb il-hut qed tistudja Tisparalhom bil-harpun u il-hut jajruk mignun! Int tissejah il-budhagrass U il-hut jejdulek haw ras! Insomma ha nhallik Proset sihbi mhawnx ghalik! |
Buddhagrass Posts:376 | May 23, 2009, 21:02:59 CET thx land and sea hunter .... dak min dawk ta snienhom sofor ta |
Seahunter Posts:154 | May 23, 2009, 20:21:18 CET Prosit man, x' Sargu dak! |
Buddhagrass Posts:376 | May 23, 2009, 19:55:17 CET thx |
baghira Posts:1821 | May 23, 2009, 19:31:01 CET Ser jistordu rashom l-isfel man....... Good one. considering all |
freediver Posts:96 | May 23, 2009, 16:47:12 CET prosit king nice catch |