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Description: Photograph by MartinB.
Picture Stats: Views: 6703 Filesize: 560.36kB Height: 1280 Width: 960 Keywords: dentex spinning Posted by: e-fisher at June 15, 2009, 06:35:28 CET Image Linking Codes
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blueskip Posts:339 | August 03, 2009, 19:08:05 CET Redbus9 & I thought about going to this spot but decided it wasn't dangerous enough for us, so we have decided to do Marsoxlokk Harbour instead! Wonderful catch on a spinning rod from the shore, a fish of a lifetime, Well Done!!! |
clutch_kick Posts:402 | June 18, 2009, 14:38:29 CET I'd like to publicaly congratulate my friend e-fisher on the catch!! Top stuff!! and I am really happy that you caught it on one of the lures I told you about As for editing pictures, my opinion is clear. I think people are free to protect their fishing spots. Spinning is not the most productive technique, it is hard to get a decent fish. The last thing I want is to find the whole area full of pariti. Taking the pic on the spot is a code-of-honour of sorts for spin-fishers. C. |
mellieha Posts:245 | June 16, 2009, 10:18:52 CET First and foremost well done for the fish. Marvellous catch. I feel obliged to write a comment although I do not post pics myself. I did not know this location before. Hear loads on it and only understood exactly after trailing all the clues left. Therefor although e-fisher tried his best to hid it others and himself gave me clues about the location. Apart from that. You will never see me in such spots. I do not know how to use a rod. I tend to agree with all the comments below. I for one would never see the fsh we saw after a dive especially if they were decent sized bottom fish. It is not the first time I saw people with twin sets following us and with a spear at hand. On the other I tend to see this forum as a very mopen community where one can learn alot. Once again well done guys. |
LapsiBoy Posts:883 | June 16, 2009, 10:18:19 CET True Martin it's very dangerous. Ask Jason It tutu tal bahrija. The first time i went there with him i went up for something from the car and on the way down i lost the passage way and slipped and ended up almost hanging from about 5 stories after scraping down a 45degree ramp. Ask him how i ended up my back and side was all purple and bloody! Thank god i didnt fall !!! I swore i wouldnt never walk it alone and to be honest i was scared of the place for some time but now im ok. Still im always VERY carefull, there are slabs of people who died there down there carefull!! |
MartinB Posts:665 | June 15, 2009, 20:22:46 CET Prosit e-fisher I haven't been online in the past couple of days so i was pretty stunned about all these comments.Just to clear up a few things.. i am officially the worlds worst photographer as ive mentioned before in a few posts! (check the photo above see he's tilting to the left..well HE wasn't!! ) and of the few pics that i took with my phone (e-fishers phone is R.I.P @ the moment thats why i took the photo's) this and the other e-fisher posted were the only two decent ones!! I actually told e-fisher that either one would be good to post and i felt that this pic didn't need re-touching or obscuring but i appreciate e-fishers well meant intention with this gesture. Someone mentioned the sword pic...The only reason i did the same thing with the swordfish photo was because it was the only decent photo i had of me with it and it was quite obvious in regards as to where i was! Although alot of people know where i fish quite often from (note NOT always either btw ) i can assure you im rarely alone believe me there is a little more to it than just being on the spot and hooking up...god i wish it was that easy!!! Im 100% all in favour of things being shared and in the open..First & foremost if i wasn't in favour of this i wouldn't have been a contributing member of this forum for this long!! id just 'lurk" & take the info i need (& i might add i have learnt alot of stuff too from this forum )..but i agree with The Gaffer on his principle & also believe in the give and take aspect of this forum...& would'nt it be nice if the whole world was like that,but lets face it, it just isn't!!! that being said,ive nothing against anyone going and catching a few fish (professional or otherwise) but unfortunatly there are some people who take things WAY too far and as a result we end up with the whole area covered in nets,which is not fair on anyone (professional fisherman or not) except of course the selfish type of "people" who do these things! and whilst i will always continue to contribute to this forum,at the same time im not going to make things easy for these type of "people" if i can help fact i make it a point to make things as hard for them as much as possible..if the opportunity presents itself... Also another thing is the nature of the actual location is certainly not the easiest place to get to by a long shot!!!..and in winter unless you know the area EXTREMELY well then it can be very,VERY dangerous,and very easy to have an accident there,which unfortunatly has happened quite a few times there by people who aren't familiar with the place! even if you know the place well its still difficult sometimes!! God forbid i would hate to hear of someone from this forum (or anyone for that matter) hurting themselves for the sake of a fish & have that on my conscience. |
e-fisher Posts:22 | June 15, 2009, 19:04:21 CET Guys Thank you all for your comments! Thanks for the well dones..... and thanks for the not well dones (for posting an edited pic!).... I fully acknowledge and appreciate all the comments and by no means did I want to create such a controversy! The following are some genuine reasons why I opted not to show the location:
camkev Posts:1147 | June 15, 2009, 17:36:33 CET Qed tahli iz-zmien the way..nice fish!! |
The_Gaffer Posts:2278 | June 15, 2009, 17:18:18 CET Lapsiboy: L-ewwel nett kun ghaf li l-kummenti saru, u jibqaw issiru, ghax dan huwa forum miftuh, u sakemm inzomm ma l-ispirtu tal argument, nista nghid li rrid, meta rrid, u kif irrid, u la int, u lanqas hadd ma jista jzomni, dejjem sakemm inzomm ma l-argument, u mhux noffendi, jew inwegga is-sentimenti ta haddiehor. Jekk ma taqbilx ma dak li jinkiteb, ghandek kull dritt tirrispondi, imma mhux tkun giljottina u tkun il guratt u l-imhallef fl-istess hin. It-tieni il forum huwa post publiku, allura la tkun essebixxejt ritratt hawn, qed tiessebieh ghal-skrutinju publiku, u ghaldaqstant iehor ghal kummenti, kumplimenti, u argumenti. Min meta tigi int u taghmel sarima ma halq in-nies biex ma jikkummentawx, ghax sempliciment ma taqbilx mal-kumment l-inkiteb! Aqra l-kummenti sew, u ssib li hemm min hu favur, hemm min huwa kontra, hemm min jixtieq il-bilanc!. Pero dak l-ispirtu tal-forum, li kullhadd ghandu dritt jikkumenta, sakemm izzom in-norma li jikkumenta b'ghaqal, diligenza u fuq kollox serjeta. Ghalija m'ghandiex xi nnzid hawn. Dak li kelli nghid u nikteb, sar. |
Granitu Posts:1511 | June 15, 2009, 16:40:45 CET il bierah qbadna bhalu rammx x tahseb eeee |
rammx Posts:489 | June 15, 2009, 14:42:25 CET dak il pic mux editjat...dak ghax kellu il lenti mtapna !!!! |
Granitu Posts:1511 | June 15, 2009, 13:54:05 CET nghidulu lapsi biex jitghallem minjaf kemm jinqela f xemx imbad b nuqqas ta hsieb ikun paxxa lil xi ghazzien mwahhal mal pc |
neville Posts:121 | June 15, 2009, 13:46:04 CET prosit mux facli taqbad denci mil lart |
LapsiBoy Posts:883 | June 15, 2009, 13:44:11 CET Uwija madonna xghageb ed tamlu. Jien ghalija min ma jogbux ma jikumentax u daqshekk hafna paroli zejjed. |
Granitu Posts:1511 | June 15, 2009, 13:43:04 CET Proset kbira tal huta rizultat kbir ghal spinning pero, ritratt wiehed kien bizzejjed guys.. il gaffer ghandu ftit ragun li dar ritratt pastazata kbira... tahseb li b daqshekk ma tindunax??? ma tridx taghti l post u nifmek, ttihx u tihux ritratt tal post mhux jien malli rajtu nahseb li gharaft il post habib... u hawn ohrajn li gharfuh mill ewwel.... ma tridx tkun xi bniedem intelligenti hafna li tinduna li dak il blat fuq naha ta malta, jekk qedin malta u fejn ssibu naf fejn..... tiftakruh il pixxispad? jien ghalija martin stajtu hadtu ritratt x imkien iehor, id dar, fejn tridu u ma turux il post kif jaghmlu hafna. xi darba kont nemmen hekk pero llum kulhadd jistad u josservak, biex ma jinduna hadd bik difficli immens imma hekk farsa kbira u li pruvajt taghmel biex tahbi il post swielek ghalxejn. kieku tfajt ritratt mehud id dar, post x imkien mhux min fejn qbadtu taghmel differenza kbira u hadd ma jinduna |
skip Posts:3967 | June 15, 2009, 12:55:13 CET I just spoke with The Gaffer on this one, seems we have a different opinion, just like those who have passed their own opinions below. I can understand how some people might think it's in bad taste, though I can't say this is what crossed my mind. Rather I said wow surprising to catch that from shore and I sure as hell wouldn't want a bunch of bottom long lines or people jigging there the next day because it was easy to identify exactly where I was! Whilst the spirit of the forum is sharing, I'm not sure I agree with The Gaffer that I or anyone else should feel obliged to openly sharing their spots with all, especially when it's fishing from land, jigging or bottom fishing. With trolling I see it as a totally different thing, fish move around and given the cost of fuel I don't mind pointing people in the right direction in case this will be of some help. I know of many people catching very nice and large fish who will not upload them on to the forum, because they don't want people to know. I know of others who have become a 'target' whenever they go out fishing, they get followed or shadowed in hope that their spot or technique can be revealed. There will be no hard and fast rule about what each person should do with their picture, that's up to them, as it's up to everyone to post their comments, which may be positive or negative...the person posting the picture needs to be prepared accordingly to receive praise or criticism. |
The_Gaffer Posts:2278 | June 15, 2009, 12:27:45 CET I've always respected balance in life. I am aware that the forum has alot of visitors, and I am also aware that some people here might reveal a hotspot to a local commercial fisherman, and before you know it, that spot is hit by miles of nets and longlines. However, I am also aware of decency and good taste. If you really want to show of your catch, then the 2nd pic posted showing the dentici says it all. Again, its the pic, not the subject of the pic!!!. I don't know e fisher or MartinB, but am sure he's a nice guy. |
busumark Posts:1114 | June 15, 2009, 12:18:45 CET i dont see anything wrong with keeping a place for oneself to reveal it to his close friends. but these photos are seen from a lot of people and not all are responsable fisherman. maybe if someone saw that nice denci caught from land he can regognise the place and than go to throw nets. so when you are going to take a photo for the gallery or take it from an angle that doesn t show any marking or camouflauge the markings. and another thing its not fair after spending a lot of money on fuel and time if you use a boat and from land a lot of time and patience to catch something decent than someone else comes in your spot and he maybe arrives before you and he doesnt let to fish near him |
The_Gaffer Posts:2278 | June 15, 2009, 11:46:06 CET and there's more... goto the homepage of the forum, and you'll read about the philosophy that we follow. You all moan about fishing regulations, and how the authorities are clamping down on the fishing community, and even go to an extent to encourage us to discuss with the authorities to safeguard our hobby. However, in the meantime, you are all inclined to safeguard that location for yourself. I am in no way against taking measures to safeguard one's interest...however, I don't like being taken for a fool!!!!. You don't have to make it flippen obvious to the online community that you want to hide the location...there is a more subtle way of doing it!!!! |
The_Gaffer Posts:2278 | June 15, 2009, 11:32:17 CET Dawk kollha li qed jiktbu favur il persuna li hemm fir-ritratt, jiddispjacini ghalikhom imma ma fhimtux l-argument. Bhas-soltu, tiddeffendu l-persuna meta l-argument kien ir-ritratt. Jekk wiehed ma jridx juri min fejn qabad xi huta, kull ma ghandu jaghmel hu li jiehu ritratt min angolu differenti. Mela jigi hawn u jaghmilha ovja bil camouflauge!!!!. Translation: All those writting in favour of the person in the picture, I am sorry to dissapoint you but you have not understood the argument. The subject is the picture, not the person in the picture. If one is not inclined to share the location of his catch, all he has to do is take a picture from a different angle!!!. I still find it in very bad taste to camouflauge a picture like that. Hate being treated like fools!!!! |
rammx Posts:489 | June 15, 2009, 11:04:48 CET martin ghaw gew u wiehed li liktar issib ghajnuna min ghandu..!! dal persuna qad ma ratni u xorta tghtni pariri u anki postijiet fejn immur nistad...jekk ghamel xi shading sinjal li kellu raguni valida proset tal qabda mil gdid e-fisher!! |
LapsiBoy Posts:883 | June 15, 2009, 10:12:53 CET Ilbierah kelli bbq go garrax il gnejna u hrigt naqbad 2 malajr...wihed ta 5 u lihor 3 |
baghira Posts:1821 | June 15, 2009, 10:10:38 CET Wow 100 points. Another thing, i beleive that the mayority already know where the place is I can understand the gaffer what he means But, I think that I would never tell where the place is> So the other option is taking maybe a different location , but I assume that the photograper was not caring about all this whilst taking the picture, but was happy for the catch. Anyway, well done mate. I think i know you, from rabat or nearby huh?? |
Guest | June 15, 2009, 09:41:31 CET Gaffer huta tal qih differenti min huta tal wicc !!! Jei neta naqbad huta tal wicc tkun xi tkun dejjem edt mi nfejn inqabdet. U hut tal qih gili bat nies fej immur jien imma imbad hemm limit. Kuilhadd jejdlek min fej ed jinqabdu xi skoss dnici anzi jtik il positions ezatt ta kull fej tela wihed |
LapsiBoy Posts:883 | June 15, 2009, 09:33:40 CET Din smajt bija Prosit hafna man Gaffer there is a difference from a waypoint for alungi and bft then a dentex. Alungi maybe today you catch them 20 miles from filfla and tommorow 5 miles from gozo..theres no telling, whereas as dentex is a fish which sticks to its habitat and how many people do you see catching dentex from lan huh ? Prosit my turn |
The_Gaffer Posts:2278 | June 15, 2009, 09:31:29 CET Bigboy, qed tirranguna bhala sajjied professjonali. Is-sajd ghalijja huwa passatemp, allura mghandiex ghalfejn nipprotegi postijiet teighi. Haddiehor li jaqla x'jiekol minnu, hekk differenti!!!! |
maltembu Posts:231 | June 15, 2009, 09:04:19 CET WOW.. nice one |
The_Gaffer Posts:2278 | June 15, 2009, 09:02:38 CET You spoke too soon Gianni!!! On the privilaged boards, I have given exact markings for Alungi, including waypoints. I know that shanook too has posted some waypoints for Bazug also. Skip has posted waypoints for BF Tuna. I have also posted several posts on rod setup, tackle and distances from boat. Nothing to hide!!!, same goes for Skip, Shanook, and other moderators, senior MFF members. The spirit of the forum is a fishing community. In my books, that means all for one and one for all. If this member did not want to reveal his SPOT!!!!, then the easiest thing to do would have been to take the pic from a different angle. But the way the pic has benn diguised, demonstares very bad taste |
Guest | June 15, 2009, 08:57:43 CET Gaffer sew qallek ta ganni heq heq inti jekk tkun ed taqbad il bazug min xi post nahseb mhux se tejdilna min fejn hux. E-fisher man kinx fuq dajsa allura l post min fej qabdu jista jider ezatt hux u jispicca jsib xi miljun ruh darbohra. Ejja gaffer nirragunaw |
ganni Posts:685 | June 15, 2009, 08:48:51 CET gaffer i understand perfectlu what u mean, however....... fishing from land is different from fishing from a boat, the coast is limited and by recognising a landmark you can go in the exact spot, in other words he is giving us his way point. would you give your way point gaffer if you had a good place for bazug eg?? |
The_Gaffer Posts:2278 | June 15, 2009, 07:57:40 CET Congrats on the catch. However, this picture does not portray the true spirit for which the forum was set up. We are a community here that practices fishing for recreational purposes, and at the same time sharing experience and information. The hiding of the location as shown in this pic is in very bad taste. |
rammx Posts:489 | June 15, 2009, 07:55:55 CET big proset to both!!! definitely 5 * |
skip Posts:3967 | June 15, 2009, 06:48:51 CET Excellent catch, what a result whilst spinning |