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Description: One of the Bazukiet caught together with Fishfinder aboard Kaptan Leisure. Bikri ma semejtux ghax kif tafu dak in nhar releases biss ghamel:)
Picture Stats: Views: 1868 Filesize: 75.31kB Height: 768 Width: 1024 Keywords: Bazuk 09/07/09 Posted by: SteveGB at July 10, 2009, 13:15:13 CET Image Linking Codes
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The_Gaffer Posts:2278 | July 12, 2009, 16:29:21 CET Thatrs what I call I catch into the future!! Mind the date guys!! Prosit!!! |
SteveGB Posts:126 | July 10, 2009, 21:24:13 CET ....whatever Bikri! |
SteveGB Posts:126 | July 10, 2009, 21:21:48 CET Ghalhekk ieghed serju skars...wara li il Bikri hammar u xawwat il partijiet privati tijew bil petrol aqta kemm dhaqt! Miskin issa qed iddelek il cream kuljum! |
Skars Posts:13 | July 10, 2009, 20:48:00 CET Prosit Steve. Kemm int serju fir-ritratt.....jaqaw il-Bikri kien ghadu ma immarinax il-qalziet u ta go fih bil-petrol....ghax zgur kont tkun b'dahqa fuq wiccek! |
BIKRI Posts:59 | July 10, 2009, 17:27:43 CET titlef ic comb ax tehel mod imma titlef ic comb fil wicc tal biki man |
SteveGB Posts:126 | July 10, 2009, 16:47:36 CET heh le le fdawk gejt wisq sexy! Double bottom hook-ups you mean ux! |
BIKRI Posts:59 | July 10, 2009, 15:26:08 CET id double hook ups insejtom nahseb hux. ahjar you posted the other pic imma ma kienx dicenti |