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Bazuk 15/07/09

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Description: Bazuk caught aboard "Deadliest Catch" by Steve GB & Bikri - after a long wait the trippleta arrived!
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Keywords: Bazuk 15/07/09 
Posted by: SteveGB at July 15, 2009, 22:04:54 CET

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Comments (5)

July 16, 2009, 20:10:24 CET
bagira missek xejjirtli ha narfek. buzu dawk telaw f'daqqa u steve baqa mbellah kif qabiztom wahda wara lohra fid dajsa hasibni qed intella it tombla. rammx wara li fishfinder hadlek il poza kien imiss lili li nippruva.
wara li telaw konna qisna qedin xi marc tal festa bil burdell li amilna. il bierah tal genn kienet bil bahar zejt, alungi tfawwar, bazuk tiela, hobz bil luncheon meat u xi lager. cempilt lil mara u avzajta biex tinsini. tal holm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D
July 16, 2009, 13:36:17 CET
aww tghallimta l poza xbin!!!! proset xbin !!  ;D
July 16, 2009, 09:28:48 CET
bikri you hooked on the boat those 3 bazug for the photo  :D  :D
July 16, 2009, 07:15:23 CET
Welldone bikri. Fl-ahhar qed jixellek ;D

kif hadem ir-reel bi 3?
July 15, 2009, 22:10:11 CET
Please retouch this picture, leave the basug, but please.....................................................................................................................Were you supposed to be at work?????

Oh so that was you in the small boat,
I passed by with my MSC Splendida today, If I did recognise you, I would have made a small joke, me and the captain. ;D

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