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Picture Stats: Views: 1555 Filesize: 14.06kB Height: 281 Width: 360 Posted by: Granitu at December 05, 2009, 12:49:19 CET Image Linking Codes
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Granitu Posts:1511 ![]() | December 07, 2009, 15:41:04 CET in fact the current setup evolves around the 6.5mm and 7mm spears. with a double 16mm pure latex the 6.5mm work very well, 7mm(10cm smaller ![]() the 19mm setup presents too many recoil, it was a setup test that i immediately snubbed. the 8mm i used was of the same material but from a maltese supplier... changed it immediately |
EmicMalta Posts:1296 ![]() | December 07, 2009, 14:31:46 CET having more mass in the spear shouldn t help you to prevent the spear tip. 7mm and 7.5mm will only get more impact. I don t think will be a good idea of getting the 7.5mm unless you r not spearing tuna. We have an Abellan 120cm and after bending a 7mm on an amberjack, we tried with a setup of 2x19mm (very short) and a 7.5mm spear. We increased the impact but it was very slow. Now It s with a 3x19mm but still wouldn t use it unles only for open water. Abellan spears are from salvimar, same material but designed for them. That s the defect of every spear, or its too strong and the fish can brake it, or it bends and you need to buy a spear for every fish you catch. Doesn t mean that with shark fin they do not brake. |
Granitu Posts:1511 ![]() | December 06, 2009, 19:30:18 CET emic will send it to you in personal message, i will bring some if they have blade available. but give me some time cause it is backed up on another harddisk and at the moment i am busy with my acca shipping is high emic because it is an extra long item. never buy shafts in small quantity max ![]() yes emic they bend, in fact had to switch to 7mm and 7.5mm/8mm if i rig with 17.5mm and a single/double 19mm with these. but they are innovative. and it is true, i had the occurance of not penetrating a dentex, shot it ver low, and their meat is very fragile in the bottom part... though i would lost it but still managed not to lose it because the aletta since it is rotating does not ruin the fish. |
EmicMalta Posts:1296 ![]() | December 06, 2009, 18:50:04 CET pls put up the link of the bulgarian shop due its very interesting. Even from the mother company thay sent me more then 170euro for 2 spears with shipping. As I said pls wait just a couple of days and I will send all the report. The spear is made of 17-4Ph so this is a spear that bends for sure. As for the tip mateiral and this kind of barb roation its not made for shooting inside rocks. As for the tip is can be changed very easy with a heating process that shouldnt effect in any way the characteristic of the spear. Also just gost heard about a friend of ine that shoot a big grouper and he didn t penetrated it. The barbe had opend inside the fish and in that way its imossible to get it out without cutting the meat witha knife. This could be an advantage that you cannot loose the fish but a disadvantge of damaging the fish with a cut to get the spear out. For my kind of spearfishing I will use a 6.5mm shark fin on the 125cm first. The 17-4Ph has the characteristic to be a bit havier than the sanvic so as for the penetration and vibration should be much better |
Granitu Posts:1511 ![]() | December 05, 2009, 20:02:05 CET emic, i had them for the past 3 months lol... ![]() ![]() they are good, i am using the torsion2 blade(i use dyneema bridles) at the moment. the modification that needs to be done is with regards to the aletta but personaly i didn't have the problem. just some careful sanding and the job is done, it is not something i figured out, but rather italians figured it out. the spearpoint is not of the strongest and i am getting a replacement at the moment in fact. had them available for 40 euros emic from a bulgarian shop ![]() |
EmicMalta Posts:1296 ![]() | December 05, 2009, 19:32:56 CET i m waiting these spears from long time. Don t order for now cos had some problems from the mother factory and still they are modifying them. I have some reviews and will put them very soon. Its a new kind of system that helps a lot. Unfortunitly it costs around 50-60euro. Will be opening a topic regard this spear |
Granitu Posts:1511 ![]() | December 05, 2009, 18:58:09 CET but these are not mine i used them for illustration purposes, it is something new in terms of spears, came out in may 2009. pics illustrate better moved to this type after 2 faults in a week of fish breaking an aletta... had to move to something stronger but not a doppia aletta(shot would become too negative) cause it would have prejudicated a very good setup i have on my pelagos twin.... still they arent perfect in terms of operations, never failed me but i heard some negative reviews about them, the problem though is very easy to solve out... sure i found they give a faster shot than the tahitian sandvick i had, due to the material and the aletta itself |
baghira Posts:1821 ![]() | December 05, 2009, 18:03:56 CET You see granit..... I helped you out to upload some pics my friend.... :-) That's great. |