Map showing new protected areas

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Description: This is a diagram of the four new protected areas designated by MEPA. It is scanned from Outlook, MEPA's monthly journal distributed with today's Times.

Note the extent of area 2 which starts from the St Julians area and includes all the coastal zone all the way to the NE of Gozo (including Bahar ic-caghaq, St. Paul's bay area, Cirkewwa, Comino and much of Gozo's NE coast)
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Posted by: lazyfisherman at August 11, 2010, 13:28:51 CET

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Comments (9)

August 31, 2010, 20:16:12 CET
Hemm xi loghba tal WI-Fishing??? Ghax nahseb maqfulin go darna gejja l affari nies :(
August 16, 2010, 10:15:47 CET
@ emic. tajba . u iva noqodulu assa mal posedonia tal mara tieghu inkunu qed naqbdu xi haga ukoll lol.
August 14, 2010, 19:32:24 CET
u hemm bicca ohra ma din ukoll il "marine protection bla,bla" min ras ir-raheb sa rdum majjiesa (kwazi il qammiegh) Bil malti kull fejn hemm tajjeb u kommdu (ghax ippijja kollu irrdum gholi) beix tistad min l-art fuq in naha tal punnent ta malta,caw caw. >:(  >:(  >:(  >:(
August 12, 2010, 16:18:22 CET
er**jnih l ahwaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
August 11, 2010, 21:26:35 CET
proset tassew istra. Taqta dawn l erba zoni, taqta l portijiet, taqta ir riservi l ohra li diga kien hemm, taqta id dranaggi kollha, taqta l post kemm jkun fond, taqta il bajjiet... kull ma jivdal huwa li tmur fil pool ta daru u tohodlu hsieb il mara tijaw ha sakem jkun assa mal posidonia jkullu lil min johodlu hseba.

Semmew x tip ta sajd jista jibqa addej? Nahseb wasal zmien li nergaw nibdew nemigraw :!!
Perla 165
August 11, 2010, 20:47:29 CET
ha qazzu l a**a issa
August 11, 2010, 16:39:33 CET
Rascal......... Rod fishing and trolling that we do is NOT affected in these Zones... at least thats what I read in the Times..... Its commercial fishing that will be focused on....... i.e. pariti, knuz, nases etc.
August 11, 2010, 15:06:03 CET
No way robbie017
I do not think fish farms will be touched.
It's only the small fish that get eaten. The sharks get away with everything.
August 11, 2010, 14:04:16 CET
what would be nice to know is....... are the fishfarms in this zone 2 staying or leaving ???

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