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Description: 13kg Sargi and 3kg Strill caught last night on 400 hooks tas sargi. Had another 500 hooks but did not get a single fish on them !!! Could be that those 500 were crap :s Picture Stats: Views: 2103 Filesize: 81.87kB Height: 768 Width: 1024 Posted by: Guest at October 23, 2010, 16:24:10 CET Image Linking Codes
0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this picture. |
kris Posts:365 | October 27, 2010, 12:41:01 CET sajda sabiha kane!! well done gbin!! |
Guest | October 26, 2010, 13:02:06 CET Grazzi hbieb |
baghira Posts:1821 | October 25, 2010, 21:28:12 CET X qabda sargi dik hi... |
suffrun Posts:289 | October 25, 2010, 17:13:43 CET prosit hafna, sajda sabieha!! |
rammx Posts:489 | October 25, 2010, 15:54:23 CET tajba big!!!! |
Guest | October 23, 2010, 21:13:47 CET Thanks sihbi !!! Memx alfej tkun sajjied tas sengha habib biex taqbad dawk il hut!!! Naqra sens komun trid u ttkun taf naqa postijiet fej tista issib is sargi u taqbad kemm trid minnom |
TaKinu Posts:95 | October 23, 2010, 16:40:50 CET Il-frott ta sajjied tas-sengha! Prosit |