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Description: Din qabda tas-sena l-ohra. F'xi siegha u nofs kollox. Dalwaqt nergaw nibdew. J'alla din is-sena ikun hawn erbgha sbieh.'
Picture Stats: Views: 2822 Filesize: 1.14MB Height: 799 Width: 1000 Keywords: klamari Posted by: Buddhagrass at October 20, 2008, 20:15:21 CET Image Linking Codes
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Buddhagrass Posts:376 | October 21, 2008, 07:39:41 CET @ rammx : Ija siehbi bil-qasba dawk. Jiena l-hena tieghi nistad ghalijhom. Pacenzja irid ikollok. Gieli taghmel lejl ma immisek xejn u gieli tigik tajba. @ redbus9 : Let me give you a brief summary :-) .... this is a photo of one of my squid catches of last year. I said also that I hope that this year we'll be able to hook a couple of nice ones. Rammx just asked me if they were caught with a rod and I told him that they are ;-) |
redbus9 Posts:307 | October 21, 2008, 01:02:53 CET I wish i could read maltese |
rammx Posts:489 | October 20, 2008, 21:19:11 CET proset xbin!! dawk bil qasba??? din is sena nixtieq naqbad wiehed..mort kemm il darba imma dik li ddawwar ir reel bil mod toqtolni u dejjem bidi fidi mort lura d dar |
Perla 165 Posts:413 | October 20, 2008, 20:38:23 CET nice man vera sbieh ! |
maxxat75 Posts:71 | October 20, 2008, 20:36:21 CET x' hin rajt dan il-pick igenint!!! ghadt kif jistajkun diga!? Is-sena l-ohra hija raguni valida hehe Nice catch m8 |