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Description: I am a size 47 so this fish is slightly longer than 30.5cm ! The fish was released soon after the pic was taken.
Picture Stats: Views: 2225 Filesize: 79.87kB Height: 768 Width: 1024 Keywords: Grouper spinning Posted by: e-fisher at October 21, 2009, 18:03:02 CET Image Linking Codes
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Tatanka Posts:185 | January 02, 2010, 16:24:21 CET Wel done , that is the spirit of a real sport fisherman. I can assure you that not many people would have done the same but as we keep mentioning on the forum, we just do not have to think what others would do , just release the fish & hope to catch it another day. A big 5* from me e-fisher. |
suffrun Posts:289 | October 23, 2009, 14:35:46 CET well done 5*. The others said it all!! |
Jonathan Posts:307 | October 23, 2009, 06:44:42 CET Well done Ed! Keep up the good work and keep more pics coming |
MartinB Posts:665 | October 22, 2009, 23:17:47 CET Heqqq imma jien tlaqta darba kien daqs vopa kbira u aghti widnejk ehh kemm qerdu!!! |
Kevin G Posts:371 | October 22, 2009, 20:48:00 CET tejd taqla lool u ifem jek tinqabad lampuka daqs vopa ma titlaqiex laqas, wara lejl torqod hemm keda tal gesu kristu bix tasal, bix tilhaq post weda u taqbad lampuka u titlaqa le le ma jistax ikun lool |
MartinB Posts:665 | October 22, 2009, 19:55:13 CET Mhux hemm isfel dak siehbi!! Anzi missek taf li mhux ha jaghmlu aghgeb ghall fellus ta' cerna! Imma jekk titlaq lampuka haga ohra! Taqla kocc tajjir zgur!! LOL |
Kevin G Posts:371 | October 22, 2009, 18:40:22 CET martin u nahsbe li kiku kinu hdejh xhin telqu kien jaqbzu ghal warajh li kiku kien bahar kalm lool tejd hemm imgewhin hemm isfel lool |
fishfinder Posts:501 | October 22, 2009, 14:47:33 CET Donno dan ir-ritratt qed jaghmel l-istess effett fuq kulhadd sa kemm ma taqrax li gi mharrab. prosit u 5* |
rob1974 Posts:133 | October 22, 2009, 10:09:35 CET Bhal Ganni ghamilt, x'hin rajt il-pic ghidt zgur gol borma spiccat! Well done for the C&R. Rob |
rammx Posts:489 | October 22, 2009, 07:40:17 CET Hey Ed well done mate !!! qed izzid il collection ta hut awwww 5* for your persistance,ability and C&R cu soon boss |
MartinB Posts:665 | October 22, 2009, 04:59:55 CET Imnalla qbadtu int min dak il post siehbi Ghax dawk il qatta m'gewhin anke bicca domna id-daqs ta 2 euros iz-zommu ahseb u ara! |
e-fisher Posts:22 | October 21, 2009, 21:50:04 CET Thanks a lot guys! Aparti mill gost tal catch and release iktar hadt gost nara l uccuh ta xi erba min nies li kinu hemm jispinjaw hdejha dak il hin... Hasbu li jin xi mignun nahseb, wiehed an naqa ma bedex irrod is slaleb! |
robby017 Posts:2063 | October 21, 2009, 20:12:58 CET same as ganni......... prosit for the catch, but more for the Catch and release, j'alla jerga imissek 5 years ohra! |
ganni Posts:685 | October 21, 2009, 20:02:47 CET Kont ga qed naqbez min gewwa xhin rajt il pic ............ imma umbad rajt li gie mehlus lura fil bahar, proset hekk tiehu pjacir doppju ghax mhux biss tkun qbattha imma ikollok is sodisfazzjon li tlaqta biex taqbadha darbohra |
MartinB Posts:665 | October 21, 2009, 19:44:39 CET Nice dott mate! well done on C & R too! |
Kevin G Posts:371 | October 21, 2009, 19:02:18 CET mm thanks, bdw nice fish and well done for th C and R |
markcam Posts:106 | October 21, 2009, 19:00:14 CET Yes it's a dott.... white grouper! |
Kevin G Posts:371 | October 21, 2009, 18:57:49 CET dak dott? |
SPITEC Posts:809 | October 21, 2009, 18:45:06 CET Well done e-fisher.Hopefully more and more people will do the same as you did. |