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Description: Lampuka sabieha caught 18 miles out.
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Posted by: SEAFOX at November 25, 2010, 13:22:50 CET

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Comments (14)

November 28, 2010, 17:40:17 CET
It was on a rod and reel but it still took us ages to land as we were only fishing for baitfish on light tackle. We did manage to get smaller of just under 4kgs. Its when you dont really look for them that they strike hux. Quite a few large puki around at the moment but deep down.
November 28, 2010, 13:00:58 CET
Nice catch Seafox. Well done. 5*
November 28, 2010, 11:14:18 CET
Thanks Freedive and all the other members for your kind comments. ..yes it was great to land one of these nice Lampuki, they do not come by our area that often. It was worth it as Shanook says below.....lots of time and expense involved but then that is what we crazy guys enjoy out there on the blue seas. Pity you lost yours (Automatic release!!). Hope you had a rod and reel cos "bidejk" no chance! Although I gave the Lampuka away, I do agree the Kubrit are not that good to eat at all.
November 28, 2010, 09:22:51 CET
Prosit colin! Dawn ahjar mil kubrit hux. Ilbierah kellna wahda kbira sew minnhom imma catch and release, ghax bdiet taghti u waqatilna lura l bahar.
November 27, 2010, 08:57:00 CET
Nice specimen Seafox 5*
November 26, 2010, 18:12:27 CET
very nice catch. As shannok said its price-less
November 26, 2010, 07:53:38 CET
U ajma Robby, tajba dal ghodu, I did have a good laugh with your comment..I suppose you noted the "tankers" in the background. No I was out of M'Scala not off the Libyan coast!! Mhux hekk! As a matter of interest foreigners in Libya cannot owe a boat. On a very few occasions I have gone fishing here but with Libyan friends. These guys are paranoid about their security, we are all "spies" over here!! As a matter of interest.....since I do not have much to do here...hehe......I do visit the fish market each time I am in Tripoli and the fish on display is just incredible. Yesterday we bought for dinner freshly caught Dentici and an Acciola, both weighing in total 6.25 kgs for Euro32/60LYD which we had cooked in the evening. Lots of small swordfish, dentici, large Aurata/Gilt Headed Bream and BFT were on display at the very clean and well organized "suq". Pretty cheap and abundant here. Anyway thanks guys for your nice kind comments, be back home on Wednesday.
November 25, 2010, 22:39:39 CET
18 miles out of malta or libya? since you said you're currently in libya............ ???
November 25, 2010, 22:33:00 CET
Nice lampuka mate! in fact scrub that,for this season thats an awesome lampuka!! :)
November 25, 2010, 17:57:22 CET
Amazing colours....
And yep definitely fish stocks are diminishing especially for us practicing it as hobby
November 25, 2010, 16:30:41 CET
yep fishing is definetly an expensive hobby....18 miles out, 5 hrs fishing. cost of outing about 60euros for a lampuka but the fun of it is priceless.........well done Colin
November 25, 2010, 15:46:20 CET
Grazzi Robby - I finally managed to find my way in posting pics, thanks to your guidance!!! - I am currently in Libya, came here for a week or so to have my work permit & residence renewed, so no more fishing until end of next week ...take care - tks also to Benri for his kind comments...its the only Lampuka I got (on rod & reel, thank God) spent 5 hours of fishing. Terrible!
November 25, 2010, 14:47:55 CET
Nice one Colin - prosit!
November 25, 2010, 14:00:29 CET
prosit colin. 1 for the catch and 2 for uploading the pic ;)

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